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PowerPCB 3 PCB:s into 1

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Jan 17, 2002
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I have made 3 PCB:s with PowerPCB and going to make prototypes. Is there a easy way to make one PCB of them to save manufacturing cost?

not all manufacturers allow this but some do.

there may be a way to do it with powerPCB but the stanrdard way is to make gerbers and then merge them together. I use gerbmerge, it's free. It works quite well though the set up is a bit complex. It requires python to be installed and you run it in dosbox.
**broken link removed**

You will also want to get something like viewmate to check your gerbers. also free.

If powerpcb will not allow you to import them into 1, perhaps put them all next to eachother in a Gerber editor.

Or you could always just send them all to the pcb manufacturer at the same time & do a deal to getthem cheaper if you buy them all at the same time.

Either way, they still have to route/score them to make individuals.
AFAIK the only thing you will save is 2 lots of tooling charges if they are done together.

I have Gerbtool to make panels. But I do not have time to learn howto make a panel of the three PCB:s this time.

When trying in importing a asc into another powerpcb file it complains about that things already is present.

use gerb tool. take the time to learn it. The amount of time you spend fussing with merging 3 boards in powerpcb will be more than the time you take to learngerb tool. Also, if you make changes to one board, re-merging the geerbers will be a lot easier than remerging the board designs.

Simply send them to and they will add them together for you and provide cheap prototypes.

All you need to do is make sure all the netnames and ref des. are different.
Export 2 of the boards to ascii making sure the origins are in the location you want the board to come in.
then import each into the main file

i did before a copy and paste maethod. Provided ur confident enuff & none of ur PCB need anymore checking. but just a reminder the file size is large.
As most recommended do use a gerber tool software e.g CAM350 and merge the gerber tgr.

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