[SOLVED] power compiler standard cell library (.db)

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Newbie level 4
Jul 17, 2009
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Dear All,
I need to estimate the power of my designed circuit in Synopsys power compiler(of design compiler). I have .db file(library) for TSMC 0.18um Technology, but it doesn't include SRAM , and it recognize all of my SRAMS(about 3Kbit) block as DFF, which cause a lot of extra power consumption. I am looking for another library to use in power compiler which have SRAMs block in 0.18um or 0.13um Technology or even other technologies!

I was wondering if you can help me, or provide me with a such mentioned library if you have.

Thanks a lot.

On availability / sharing of libraries you may want to read the below thread


Now to help ou proceed further with power estimation - i am not sure of Synopsys; but Cadence RTL COmpiler has a way to overwrite instance leakage and internal power numbers if a user wishes to do so. SO in you case say the SRAMS are blackbox (siunce you do not have the libs) you can still add the power numbers and proceed


I think there is another approach too:

Generate the memory with Memory compiler and actually use it in your power estimation.

@ englishdogg : thank for replying, but I don't have the power, so I can not consider sram az black box and ....

@jimjim2k :thanks, yes I think you are correct and I should use it,
But i haven't work with it, is there any source for free download of the software or I should bye it?

again hi,
Know the problem is that I don't know how to use memory compiler .
I follow the user guide but still I can't use it.
when I Extract the files I have some folderd as:
as I understood each of them is for seprate use like single port ram, dual port, register file ,...
in each folder (for example in ra1shd) is 3 sub folder : bin, lib , doc.
and in bin folders are executable files : ra1shd, sparc/bifrun , sparc/vscm
but I don't know how to use them, should I install them?
I run the code "ra1shd vhdl -mux 8 -words 256" from terminal (command line) but it dosn't know the command , I saw the code from user manual.
now I don't know how to use these, should I install them first?

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