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[SOLVED] power compiler standard cell library (.db)

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Jul 17, 2009
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Dear All,
I need to estimate the power of my designed circuit in Synopsys power compiler(of design compiler). I have .db file(library) for TSMC 0.18um Technology, but it doesn't include SRAM , and it recognize all of my SRAMS(about 3Kbit) block as DFF, which cause a lot of extra power consumption. I am looking for another library to use in power compiler which have SRAMs block in 0.18um or 0.13um Technology or even other technologies!

I was wondering if you can help me, or provide me with a such mentioned library if you have.

Thanks a lot.

On availability / sharing of libraries you may want to read the below thread

Now to help ou proceed further with power estimation - i am not sure of Synopsys; but Cadence RTL COmpiler has a way to overwrite instance leakage and internal power numbers if a user wishes to do so. SO in you case say the SRAMS are blackbox (siunce you do not have the libs) you can still add the power numbers and proceed

Dear All,
I need to estimate the power of my designed circuit in Synopsys power compiler(of design compiler). I have .db file(library) for TSMC 0.18um Technology, but it doesn't include SRAM , and it recognize all of my SRAMS(about 3Kbit) block as DFF, which cause a lot of extra power consumption. I am looking for another library to use in power compiler which have SRAMs block in 0.18um or 0.13um Technology or even other technologies!

I was wondering if you can help me, or provide me with a such mentioned library if you have.

Thanks a lot.


I think there is another approach too:

Generate the memory with Memory compiler and actually use it in your power estimation.

@ englishdogg : thank for replying, but I don't have the power, so I can not consider sram az black box and ....

@jimjim2k :thanks, yes I think you are correct and I should use it,
But i haven't work with it, is there any source for free download of the software or I should bye it?

again hi,
Know the problem is that I don't know how to use memory compiler .
I follow the user guide but still I can't use it.
when I Extract the files I have some folderd as:
as I understood each of them is for seprate use like single port ram, dual port, register file ,...
in each folder (for example in ra1shd) is 3 sub folder : bin, lib , doc.
and in bin folders are executable files : ra1shd, sparc/bifrun , sparc/vscm
but I don't know how to use them, should I install them?
I run the code "ra1shd vhdl -mux 8 -words 256" from terminal (command line) but it dosn't know the command , I saw the code from user manual.
now I don't know how to use these, should I install them first?

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