Plot graph in Virtuoso Schematic Editor...

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Newbie level 4
Jun 15, 2010
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I am currently doing an assignment using Virtuoso Schematic Editor using Spectre analysis and analog.lib - perform dc sweep analysis for a current mirror.

I can't plot the graph for the current flowing through the transistors. Whenever I click Results > Direct Plot > Main Form in analog environment, it keeps showing "There is currently no analysis data found or selected". I have tried Ouput > To be plotted and selected the transistor and it shown nothing.

Help me please as I am new in learning to use this software and looking into tutorials makes me blurrer...

Thanks in advance



By default Spectre doesn't save all currents. To save currents: Outputs > To Be Saved > Select On Schematic - click on terminals of interest. After simulation you'll be able to plot currents of selected terminals.

When I click plot output in analog environment, it only shows empty graph.

I have checked the output box, both 'plot' and 'save' column show 'yes', plotting mode is 'replace'.

Please help me solve this problem...

Locks like you didn't simulate the circuit after you had selected the outputs. Choose Simulation > "Netlist and Run" and after that click "Plot Outputs".

Sigh~~ Actually I have done that many times before... It still shows empty graph...

Hi to all, sorry if my English bad

Step by step instruction for plot currents:

For tran analysis:
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In DC analysis you can't plot graph, but:
1. in ADE window click Outputs -> To Be Saved -> Select On Schematic - click on terminals of interest
2. After simulation click Tools -> Calculator
3. In calculator window click idc and select terminal of interest, after that click button "print"

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chlee said:
Sigh~~ Actually I have done that many times before... It still shows empty graph...

I didn't noted that you are using transistors from analogLib. Currents of these transistors (nmos, pmos) indeed cannot be saved and plotted (I don't know why). But there is a simple solution to this problem: insert zero-valued voltage source in series with transistor and plot current that flow through this source.
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