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I am current ly enrolled in 3rd 2nd Semester Year BE Electronics Engineering at IOE in Nepal. We have a computer graphics course here and it has just started. Till now we have done basic Graphics algorithms such as Bresenhams Line Drawing algorithms and Circle drawing algorithms. At this moment I am finding the subject quite formiddable. We have to complete a project a project by the end of this semester in languages such as C,C++,C#, Borland C++ Builder or Java. Could you please please please give me some idea on what kind of project i may persue? It has only been a few days after the course began but it is already making me nervous. Please Help me.
Thanks in Advance
I am current ly enrolled in 3rd 2nd Semester Year BE Electronics Engineering at IOE in Nepal. We have a computer graphics course here and it has just started. Till now we have done basic Graphics algorithms such as Bresenhams Line Drawing algorithms and Circle drawing algorithms. At this moment I am finding the subject quite formiddable. We have to complete a project a project by the end of this semester in languages such as C,C++,C#, Borland C++ Builder or Java. Could you please please please give me some idea on what kind of project i may persue? It has only been a few days after the course began but it is already making me nervous. Please Help me.
Thanks in Advance