Advanced Member level 1

Can anyone help explain all the benefits of redundant bits in pipeline ADC?
Added after 14 minutes:
While reading a lecture on Pipe-Line ADC design, it asserted that redundancy in pile-line ADC converter will help reduce the chance of having missing code issue.
It asserted that we can tolerate sub-adc error if previous stage's residue is kept below the "BOX" of next stage's input. The box refered to as full-scale voltage of ADC.
Do you agree on that?
Added after 14 minutes:
While reading a lecture on Pipe-Line ADC design, it asserted that redundancy in pile-line ADC converter will help reduce the chance of having missing code issue.
It asserted that we can tolerate sub-adc error if previous stage's residue is kept below the "BOX" of next stage's input. The box refered to as full-scale voltage of ADC.
Do you agree on that?