pic programming stand-alone using same pic

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May 31, 2021
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i want to program pic 12f675 using pic 12f675 using stand-alone any one have information about it


I don't have it, but it easily can be found in the internet.basically the
* datasheet and the
* programming specification
should contain all information you need.

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i want to program pic 12f675 using pic 12f675 using stand-alone any one have information about it
Please explain what you mean by stand-alone? Have you got a compiler? You also need a programmer- and a PC to program.

It helps if you have some programming knowledge. You need to understand both the hardware and the software. If you can read the PIC manual and if you understand 90% or more, then you are ok.

You write the program on the PC, debug it under the right environment and then upload the software.

If you want to get fancy, you may need a bootloader. But for a specific task, you can get away without it.

I do not understand what you mean by a "stand alone" device? Your program may input and output information via selected devices.

I'm not sure if your question is about 'cloning' one 12F675 into another or as your text suggests, you want to build a programming device. if you want to copy one 12F675 into another you need to read one and write to the other but beware that the source might be write protected.

If you mean to build a programming unit, the 12F675 doesn't have low voltage programming mode so you are going to need additional power sources for VPP, you can't just connect them together. Besides, how would you hold the programming code and your own program in a device with the same memory capacity as the target device.


standalone means microcontroller's program copy and paste to other same microcontroller using some hardware connection in which you don't need pc

i read datasheet of pic12f675 completely. in datasheet of pic 12f675 i read that you can program other program this microcontroller using standalone programmer but no other information available on it . so i ask


did I understand correctly?
You have two PICs. Let´s say pic_A and pic_B-

pic_A is the first one... obviously you need some kind of external programmer to put the code into it.

Then you want to connect pic_A and pic_B (please upload a draft about the connections) and you want pic_A to program pic_B with the code that already exists in pic_A.

If so: How do you "initiate" the programming cycle?

So the PIC needs to have some code to act as "programmer". But I guess this is not the only code, there will be some additional "application" code.
How do you intend to switch between these two code parts?



in stand alone make circuit using some component like resistor ,power supply , capacitor and transistor in circuit one button when i push button pic_a program copy to pic_b .
no extra code written necessary that's call stand alone

in large production of some product using microcontroller they program like that no need to pc.

it's available for arduino you can search as reference.

Aagin: post a draft.

Nobody does undertand what you want to achieve.

what code should be programmed into pic_B? Where does it come from? Where is it stored?

it's available for arduino you can search as reference.
I don' t do a search for you. It´s your job to provide informations.


standalone means microcontroller's program copy and paste to other same microcontroller using some hardware connection in which you don't need pc
I still do not get it. But let me try.

In a PC that is networked to another PC (this network is the some hardware connection you mention), you can copy a software (for that matter a piece of information) from one source PC to another target PC. I did not know that this is a feature called stand alone.

However, to do that, the source PC must have a supervisory software that can copy and paste. In the same way, the target PC must have a software that acknowledges, accepts and stores the software.

Yes, you can have similar feature in microcontrollers: it has built-in features that permits writing to memory. And the source microcontroller must have a suitable software to do that.

How do you initiate the process? You need a trigger that can initiate the process.

in large production of some product using microcontroller they program like that no need to pc.
Still confusing but now I think you are asking for a production programmer. One where you insert a PIC in one socket and it gets read then you insert as many new devices as you want and the code is copied into them. 'Stand alone' copiers certainly exist but they are fairly complex products with their own operating systems inside. You still need to confirm the source device isn't copy protected first.


You can also use tools such as the PicKit3/4 to store the code from a PC and then, without connection of the PicKit to a PC, use the PicKit to program multiple MCUs. (Check with the programming device that it is intended to be used as a bulk programmer - some can do this but they are not designed to so use at your own risk.)
However that still requires that you read the code from the original MCU. For that you need some device that can execute the required code. (As others have said, it also requires that the original MCU is NOT copy protected - if it is then you will get nowhere.) This might also be the PicKit but whatever you use will almost cerainly need to be connected to a PC of some sort.
Look at the Microchip site - it has all instructions required to create an ICSP device, both the hardware signals and the codes that need to be exchanged with the target MCU. Once you have that, then you can create your own programmer using whatever hardware you like, including an Arduino or any other microcontroller. Of course you then have two problems - getting your programmer to work before you can copy the code to the new MCU.
Why must this be 'stand-alone' (using whatever definition of the term you like!)?

1 make 1 led controller program for pic12f675 but i like to burn this .hex file in many pic12f675 by any pic 12f ,16f, 18f,instead of my computer so this programming called stand alone programmer for program pic12f675

1 make 1 led controller program for pic12f675 but i like to burn this .hex file in many pic12f675 by any pic 12f ,16f, 18f,instead of my computer so this programming called stand alone programmer for program pic12f675
That is not a reasonable thing to try to do. When you compile the code, it needs to know exactly where each register is in memory - and in the case of the PIC12 and PIC16 families which bank the register lives in. There is no guarantee that any particular register will have the same address in the same family, let alone across families.

I suspect the target is always a PIC12F675. It's the PIC doing the programming that the OP wants to vary (or maybe is prepared to use whatever PIC it takes to do the job)


Sadly the OP is neither interested in giving clear informations or drawing nor in answering questions ....
So we turn in circle...

We like to help, but with this lack of information, we are not able to.


Make yourself PicKit2 clone with PIC18F2550 and 2 serial EEPROMs on board. Load the EEPROMs with your .hex and with press of a button you can program as many controllers without using a PC.
any how to make it?
or other information of it

There are a number of PicKit2 clones around with schematics etc. that a Google search should pick up.
There are even PicKit3 schematics around.
However you then have 2 problems: the first is to make the PicKit2 clone work (both in the hardware and the firmware) and the 2nd is to do the original task.
As for the firmware, there are some source code listings around and also the ICSP protocol is well documented by Microchip - given that you might be able to come up with something of your own using whatever else you have access to that implements the ICSP protocol.

PicKit2, as per design, should have 2 EEPROMs and processot inside is PIC18F2550. It has a "stand alone mode" when the contents of the target is programmed in EEPROMs, and the programmer is later connected ti target device (or uC in the ZIF socket), just needs external power (power bank ).
Pressing the key starts the programming cycle.

Later will post pics of the clone that I use from time to time.

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