New to EDK...Guidance needed

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Jul 23, 2006
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edk how to generate bitstream from netlist

Hi floks,
I am new to EDK tool..I started studying it.However i ahve some doubts regarding the utilistaion of the tool.I would really appriciate if i get some guidance from you people.

1. Initially when i clicked EDK icon which i installed on the desktop i saw a dialogue box wherein i selected Base System Builder Wizard(recommended), next

2. Created a project file ,next

3.I selecetd a "I would like to create a new design." next selection board,i would like to creat a system for following development board. there in drop in box i selected XILINX
board name :virtex4 ML403 Evaluation platform,
processor POWER PC. next went for default setting,

5.selected UARTlite...etc..

after this what should be done??

I went for GENERATE NETLIST in HARWARE option..
it took long time to generate netlist atlast generated..after that i went for generate bitfile..
this is where the problem arised...
bitfile is not generated....
i donno what to do after harware selections randomly i went and clicked the netlist generation and then bitfile generation..

can anyone please guide me set by set process till the end how to download the programm into the board..

i also need to know how to see the software part and how to edit if necessary...

please guide me..

edk bitfile generation takes long

Could you plz tell me what version of EDK you have?

And rather than bit generation, you need software development. You can find a sample in application Tab near IP Tab. ( You should have been checked TestApp_Peripheral or Test_Memory when you create this project)


actually i am plannign to design ethernet controller using EDK.I dont have any knowledge on please help me out!!!!! or is there anyone who can teach the EDK tool??
thanks in advance

Go and see xilinx free courses. Lots of VERY useful documents there.

you should have a hardware part and a software part defined for your project

the base system builder will help you in choosing the blocks you need from the ones available already on the board....powerpc or microblaze...the peripherals used...if you'll have block ram or not...etc

after that you should include the HDL files that make up your system...or your interfaces...etc

and then the software that will work on the powerpc or the microblaze should be also added to the project....

and then you'll be able to generate the netlist and the bit file and everything would be okay...

you just need to do a walk through tutorial to understand how everything is working first...and then you'll know what's going on and what you already have and what you still need!


Thank you salma..
The tutorials that you are mentioning are the ones in the EDK tool help section??
or are there any tutorials available in the net??
if you have a detailed tutorila please upload it it will be very helpful for me..
i am very much eager to learn EDK..please help me out salma...

Thanks buddy
will go through those..thanks so much

i'm not a buddy
i'm a girl

if you have any questions, just tell me

best of luck,

thank you so much and will surely consult you if i have any doubts....

Added after 4 hours 55 minutes:

hi salma..
I am using XILINX 8.2i,XPS 8.2i.
i opened the XPS by double clicking the icon the desktop->selecetd base system builder->created a project->selected "I would like to create new design->
board vendor :xilinx
board name : virtex ML402 Evaluation kit.
board revision :1 -> it automatically selected microblaze->ref clock fre:100 MHz,processor bus clock frequency 100MHz,
Processor configuration :On chip hardware debug module,
Local memory :8KB,Cache setup:no cache-->RS232-UART ,baud rate 9600,data bits 8,parity none-->(AFter this i did not select anything,that is i disabled everything every perpheral and directly went to "DEVICE TO UTILISE FOR STANDARD INPUT AND OUTPUT,ENABLED memory test,peripheral test,

clicked next did not change any default values--> clicked GENERATE--> clicked finish..


after this i directly went to HARDWARE and clicked GENERATE NETLIST..
netlist was created and after this step i clicked GENERATE BITSTREAM..this bitstream was showing errors..

saying that there is no module present..
please tell me where did i go wrong??
thank you in advance..

Got to know how to use EDK...
Thank you

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