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New release after ANSOFT's Serenade 8.5 ?

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Jun 1, 2002
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ansoft serenade

Did ANSOFT ever released a newer version after v8.5?

The only thing I see on their website is the student version, but no mention is made of the commercial v8.5

Under products they have the ANSOFT Designer which appears to be an EM simulator.

Any info would be welcome.

serenede 8.71

Serenade 8.71 was their latest release. Now all these -- Serenade, Ensemble, HFSS will be in the new ANsoft Designer 9, when it comes out.


ansoft serenade designer



I have the opportunity to purchase a legal version of 8.5 for a good price from a company that went bust.

Will I be able to upgrade the old 8.5 to 8.71 with a patch file or do you need to get a complete 8.71 set?

What were the major changes from 8.5 to 8.71?

Thanks again

serenade simulator

hi E-design!
seren@de 8.71 enhancement from its readme see lower.
furthermore seren@de has newer FlexLM version.
i think you need to get a complete 8.71 set.
best regards.

I. Enhancement Details for Harmonica

Monte Carlo Analysis added
Statistical analysis has been enhanced to show accumulated performance curves for each Monte Carlo iteration in both linear and nonlinear analysis. By first displaying desired performance graphs and then choosing "Monte Carlo" analysis, the graphs will accumulate with each statistical analysis iteration. Statistical circuit variables are defined just as before, using uniform or Gaussian distribution. This feature enables you to gauge the effect of part value spread on the circuit performance.

Parameterized Subcircuits
Subcircuit parameterization allows you to design subcircuits that can contain their own locally specified parameterized component values, some of which can be fixed values for all instances of that subcircuit's usage, and others of which can serve as default values that may be overridden from one instance to another. This feature allows you to use standardized subcircuits in multiple instances while allowing customization applicable to the particular usage.

Animation of Trace Families
Many Harmonica rectangular plots based on power or voltage sweeps may contain one or more trace Families - multiple, related traces superimposed upon one another. Although you can highlight the trace for a given sweep value by clicking its legend tile, the visual complexity of a trace can obscure the progression of the traces across the defined sweep range. Animation allows you to display the traces one-by-one in order to clearly see the progression of the traces across the defined sweep range.

New Models
The following new linear models were added:
· Elliptic Filters
ELBPF - Elliptic Band pass Filter
ELBRF - Elliptic Band Reject Filter
ELHPF - Elliptic High Pass Filter
ELLPF - Elliptic Low pass Flter
· Raised cosine filters
RCBPF - Raised Cosine Band Pass Filter
RCLPF - Raised Cosine Low Pass Filter
· Inductor Coupling
KMUI - Inductor Coupling
· Matched Resistive Attenuator
ATTN - Matched Resistive Attenuator
· Hybrid Couplers
HYB90 - 90 Degree Hybrid Coupler
HYB180 - 180 Degree Hybrid Coupler
· Power Combiner/Dividers
PWCMB2 - 2 Way Power Combiner/Divider
PWCMB3 - 3 Way Power Combiner/Divider
PWCMBN - N Way Power Combiner/Divider
See the Harmonica Elements Volume for full details on each new element.

New "IMPORT" Control Block
The new IMPORT block allows you to import a netlist fragment containing variable definitions and/or subcircuit definitions that get sent for simulation. You can then associate each subcircuit with a symbol that you place on the schematic to represent that circuit. See the Reference Volume for further details.

Additional Device Library Diodes
An additional 500 new diodes have been added to the Device Library.

II. Enhancement Details for Symphony

New models
A number of new models have been added. See the Symphony Elements Manual for details on each:
· Black Box
NPOR - N-Port Black Box
· Bessel-Thompson filters
BTBPF - Bessel-Thompson (Maximally Flat Delay) Band Pass Filter
BTBRF - Bessel-Thompson (Maximally Flat Delay) Band Reject Filter
BTHPF - Bessel-Thompson (Maximally Flat Delay) High Pass Filter
BTLPF -Bessel-Thompson (Maximally Flat Delay) Low Pass Filter
· Elliptic Filters
ELBPF - Elliptic Band pass Filter
ELBRF - Elliptic Band Reject Filter
ELHPF - Elliptic High Pass Filter
ELLPF - Elliptic Low pass Flter

Animation of Trace Families
Many Symphony rectangular plots based on power or voltage sweeps may contain one or more trace Families - multiple, related traces superimposed upon one another. Although you can highlight the trace for a given sweep value by clicking its legend tile, the visual complexity of a trace can obscure the progression of the traces across the defined sweep range. Animation allows you to display the traces one-by-one in order to clearly see the progression of the traces across the defined sweep range

III. Enhancement Details for the Desktop and Schematic User Interface

Added DesignLab Translator
A new translator has been added which allows DesignLab schematic files to be translated into a format usable by Serenade. Please refer to the DesignLab to Serenade Translator volume for further details on its capabilities and operation.

SERUSER directory added for user-created files
A special SERUSER directory is now created during the installation process. This directory is provided as a place to save your own custom parts library. Please refer to the How to Create a User Parts Library topic in the How to section of the User's Guide for further details.

Customizable Parts Menu
It is now possible to customize the Parts menu to allow parts which you have created and stored in your own parts library to be listed in the Parts menu for easy access. Please refer to the How to section of the User's Guide for further details on this customization process.

Graph Symbols may be removed from plots when using color printer
Since color printers are now more commonly available for printing simulation results, Serenade 8.7 allows users to specify whether symbols are or are not used to identify traces. Since color output would allow traces to be identified by their differently colored traces, graph symbols would not be required. However, you would most likely continue to show the graph symbols on black and white output. Please refer to the Settings Menu - Data Symbols topic in the Desktop Operations chapter of the User's Guide for further details.

ansoft serenade.

I think @nsoft Designer is already shipping. It is a mix of Ser_enade with En_semble.

ansoft serenade 8.71

how i can arbitrary noise figure circuit in smith cahrt in serenade 8.7

ansoft serenade 8.7

Speaking of Ansoft Designer -- how come we haven't seen any news of this? Ansoft was promoting it as a beta product last summer, but so far I haven't heard of it shipping.

Anybody have any clue what's going on?


serenade and designer

Probably the same software issues H/P had to face when it pulled L/I/B/R/A, T/O/U/C/H/S/T/O/N/E, O/M/N/I/S/Y/S, etc all under the common A/D/S interface. Many divergent programs from many different sources now trying to live in harmony.
I saw a demo this fall and from what I could see, they still have a long way to go. Thats what makes M/W/O so appealing. They got to start from scratch so every module talks nicely to every other module. I guess the moral of the story is never underestimate the software challenge that lies ahead.

ansoft serenade v 8.71

It is said Ansoft Designer 9 will be issue next month.

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