Need some advise on formatted memory card of Nokia 5130

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Newbie level 1
Jan 11, 2012
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I am using nokia 5130 mobile phone since 2 years. Last night i removed memory card of nokia phone and inserted it in memory card reader and connected to computer. After doing so message popped up stating me to format the card before using it. I did so as per computer instructions. Now i dont find any files which were present on the card. I asked the same to my friend he says i have deleted the data. He says now i wont get those files back at any cost!!! I want them back. Is there anything i can do to get them back.

Hello Thaliard,
Formatting is an act of erasing all data which was present on your memory card. You shouldn't have formatted your memory card. Search some software which can perform memory card recovery after format.
Download the software and recover your memory card data.

The formating means you are giving a new format to the system...... I think the operating system warned you about losing your data before you put the format. If you have done quick format, (deleting only the index entires of each file and leave the rest of the data same) you have fairly good chance to get your data back by using data recovering software........ What it use is scan the index of each files and bring the index entries back.( The complete recovery is not possible if you have over written the deleted values with some other files).... If you have done thorough formating there is very slight chance of getting the files back as thorough formating erase all the data.If you have done low -level formating(setting all values to either ones or zero) you can't recover the data................ hope this helps......

Dont worry!!!. There are lot of data recovery software are available. By using that u can retrieve all the lost data.
Recovery software like Recuva, data recovery etc.,

you can also use recova software...

All these comments assume the Nokia used a FAT filing system, can anyone confirm it actually does?

If it used a custom filing system, the formatting would have overwritten the data anyway and it probably wouldn't be recoverable at all.


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