Newbie level 1

Hello everybody,
I have a task regarding resolver and A/D converter. My A/D converter is a 16 bits converter IC chip, typically Analog Devices AD2S82A, and it is used with a resolver to determine the absolute angle of a robot arm joint (a degree of freedom). After the conversion, I have 16 binary digital outputs, which mean I will have to connect the IC chip (the A/D converter, AD2S82A) to the computer with 16 wires. The problem is that the computer has only 2 pins, which means it can only accept 2 wires maximum. My job is to reduce 16 wires branching out from the A/D converter IC chip to 2 wires connecting to the computer. Please provide me a solution or device to do the job, appreciate your helps :grin:
Thanks !
I have a task regarding resolver and A/D converter. My A/D converter is a 16 bits converter IC chip, typically Analog Devices AD2S82A, and it is used with a resolver to determine the absolute angle of a robot arm joint (a degree of freedom). After the conversion, I have 16 binary digital outputs, which mean I will have to connect the IC chip (the A/D converter, AD2S82A) to the computer with 16 wires. The problem is that the computer has only 2 pins, which means it can only accept 2 wires maximum. My job is to reduce 16 wires branching out from the A/D converter IC chip to 2 wires connecting to the computer. Please provide me a solution or device to do the job, appreciate your helps :grin:
Thanks !