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My pcb layout, any comment?

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Junior Member level 3
Jan 29, 2014
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This is my pcb layout top layer, any comment?


From process point of view one small suggestion Possible reduce the width of nets in some portion. Example is rounded in attached pic. So while in manufacturing the not solder issues due to insufficient heat will get avoided.

Some copper regions disconnected from GND could be removed from the layout.
Another issue concerns the short distance between the 4 mounting holes for the plate tracks.

I presume there's a ground or mixed ground/signal bottom layer with vias connecting to the top side.

This is my pcb layout top layer, any comment?

View attachment 111462

It will work and it's fine for hobby but:

1. Don't come into the SMT pads at a corner angle if you can help it
2. 'Neck down' any pads that take SMT pad directly to track of same width, it will stop solder getting under the resist layer on reflow.
3. 'cross hatch' that area under the chip if it is going to take solder, otherwise once the chip capillaries down you may get it floating or worse solder being squeezed out ( or thru the vias, and end up with 'dribbles' or bubbles on the otherside of the via.)
4. Watch your SMT pad ratio or you may end up with tomb stoning.
5. Don't outline your PCB in copper, use the silkscreen or engineering layer.

There is nothing wrong with going into SMD pads at an angle, it is done regularly these days and is preferable to trying to go in to the square edge of the pad in many cases, it causes No issues.
The area under the chip is for the thermal pad, look at IPC-7093 and the recommendation by the device manufacturer, lots of data on how to do these devices, again they are common. Usually the solder paste screen is modified to limit the amount of solder and to avoid any thermal vias in the pad.

Yes, the bottom layer is ground with vias connecting to the top side.

I know your trying to help him but....

1. Don't come into the SMT pads at a corner angle if you can help it
There is absolutely no reason not to come in via the corner, it's not an issue. Might have been 20 years ago - its not now.

2. 'Neck down' any pads that take SMT pad directly to track of same width, it will stop solder getting under the resist layer on reflow.
What??? why on earth would solder "get under the resist" ? Have you been buying really, really cheap crappy boards?

3. 'cross hatch' that area under the chip if it is going to take solder, otherwise once the chip capillaries down you may get it floating or worse solder being squeezed out ( or thru the vias, and end up with 'dribbles' or bubbles on the otherside of the via.)

Since when?
Zsuhh - DO NOT cross hatch the copper underneath the chip. It is only the solder paste that should be a matrix of smaller pads to prevent excess solder. (note "matrix" not cross hatch.)

5. Don't outline your PCB in copper, use the silkscreen or engineering layer.

There is also no reason NOT to do this, it is routinely removed by the manufacturer when on copper layers and has been done for 25+ years I can remember.

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