[MOVED] HELP THIS NEWBIE.... How to design a pcb layout circuit from a old pcb board?

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thanks a lot for that link bro.. so sweet of u.. and ya after finishing my project i will surely post in this thread.. btw, i may need some help inbetween.. so pls do visit the thread atleast once for few days.. Thank u..

The picture shows a flexi pcb which contains a port and some pads for feather touch buttons. They are used here as connecting links.
They require special sockets / special glue to connect to ports/ normal pcbs/smd components. My point is normal soldering process cannot be applied on that. It is not for normal school projects unless your school lab is equipped with all the necessary tools to work with it.

Think twice before running Pyralux sheets into your expensive solid ink printer.(Laser printer is out of question). Removing that ink after itching .........well that is another story.
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Err, why cant you use normal soldering processes with flexible circuits!!!!!!!!
We have built hundreds of thousands of flexi boards and have used wave, slective, hand and reflow soldering with no problems!!!!!
They are built on the same lines as our rigids and flexi rigid boards...

What might be a normal soldering process to a nwebie with no previous idea of flexi board, my good sir? wave, slective, and reflow soldering ? It was an advice to a newbie for his school project.

Hot air gun and solder paste...
I would suggest that he (Newbie123) search you tube or the hobby section of this forum, there are numerous examples of DIY surface mount and through hole assembly. And if they have a temp controlled oven at school, well the world is his assembly line.

this was quite an interesting post to read.

@ laiza, how do you know when the pcb is multilayered? does it mean when one pcb is literally placed above the components of another pcb just to fit it into a casing or is it a double sided or double printed pcb?

I am currently attempting a project where i wanted to make my own pcb because it ought to be small.. now im seriously reconsidering. To the OP, kudos for attempting to modify your gamepad, please post some pictures of how you solved the additional buttons that will now protrude from the casing!

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