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mblock example of 4 momentary push buttons and one logic output for Arduino Nano board

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Full Member level 3
Aug 6, 2007
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Need Mblock example for Arduino Nano board according to the below:

I have 4 momentary push buttons B1-B4 (momentary keyboard buttons) and one digital output DI which I need to code to one latched output O1 to values according to:
so the inputs are B1-B4 and DI, output is O1 (from a logic sensor). to the Nano board.
All 4 momentary push buttons are pulled up to +5V via resistors: when pressed, logical output is 0V, when not pressed +5V

Logic needed:

Buttons should be scanned(endless loop)
initial value of logical output O1 = Steady (latched) high on power on
When button B1 is momentary pressed (0V) , logical output value of O1 = steady(latched) High
When button B2 is momentary pressed (0v) , logical output value of O1 =steady(latched) Low
When button B3 is momentary pressed (0V) , logical output value of O1 = steady(latched) High
When button B4 is momentary pressed (0V) , logical output value of O1 = steady(latched) High
When DI is low (0V), logical output value O1 = steady(latched) High
many thanks in advance!
--- Updated ---


Need Mblock example for Arduino Nano board according to the below:

I have 4 momentary push buttons B1-B4 (momentary keyboard buttons) and one digital output DI which I need to code to one latched output O1 to values according to:
so the inputs are B1-B4 and DI (from a sensor with digital output), output is O1 (from a logic sensor). to the Nano board.
All 4 momentary push buttons are pulled up to +5V via resistors: when pressed, logical output is 0V, when not pressed +5V

Logic needed:

Buttons should be scanned(endless loop)
initial value of logical output O1 = Steady (latched) high on power on
When button B1 is momentary pressed (0V) , logical output value of O1 = steady(latched) High
When button B2 is momentary pressed (0v) , logical output value of O1 =steady(latched) Low
When button B3 is momentary pressed (0V) , logical output value of O1 = steady(latched) High
When button B4 is momentary pressed (0V) , logical output value of O1 = steady(latched) High
When DI is low (0V), logical output value O1 = steady(latched) High
many thanks in advance!
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It seems that High is the universal output state for all conditions except one, namely B2 pressed. The question is, what output state do you wish in the event that both B2 and another button are pressed? It leads to conflict. Which button is ignored?

One button at a time,
What I want to achieve is that I want to set a latched output O1=Digital pin9 to 'low' state only when I press button B2=Pin2 and only reset that latched output to its initial 'high' state (on startup it is set to 'high') when one of the B1 (Pin1) ,B3(Pin2),B4(Pin4) buttons are pressed or DI( Pin5) sensor signal is gone to low state.
I did a first draft, not sure if that works as expected.


  • mblock_block_1676188129989.png
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Is this a school project? Homework?
Why don't you test it on an Arduino?
Did you try to you ask chatGPT?


I am trying to repair an vintage tape recorder, one of the custom logic chip has a bad input and wanted to build that function using Arduino. I am new to mblock and only wanted some input on how to code but I think I am on the right track after reading some posts, will test when I receive the Arduino in the end of next week.
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