Looking for schematic for ICD2

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mplab icd schematics

Have anyone downloaded the EZ-USB FX drivers from cypress, I cant find them Cypress has reorganized their website to a mess.

I desperatly need the USB drivers!


icd2 opensource

finally I can present my latest ICD2 design. not many changes were made since my last posts.
a few error corrections, some layout enhancements and the possibility to power target boards directly over USB. I also wrote a short documentation.

this design is fully tested!

I hope this is useful to you and feel free to send any comments.


regards, jenda

icd2 microchip schematics

Hi Jenda,
The programmer on my link (h**p://) is for beginners.

What you have done is fantastic. For more serious users, ICD2 is a must. Great job. I will build the same and post my comments here.



eicd2 schematic


Is it possible just to use only RS232? The real ICD2 has some funny problem on it RS232. Please kindly advice. Thank you.


icd schematic

When I was building ICD2 I had some problems with RS232. The communication failed after a few seconds. I tried many things without success. In the end I exchanged the host computer and everything worked well.

I guess that ICD2 has some timing errors but I didn’t analyze it more precisely.

If you check the PIC datasheets you can see that in certain configurations the UART baud rate generator introduces errors up to 8.5% (57.6kBaud, BRGH=0, Tosc=20MHz). Maybe this is the reason why ICD2 is so sloppy on the RS232.


max232 voltage doubler not working

For those who need Gerber files, check out this.


icd2 circuits

jenda said:
this design is fully tested!

U5 and U7 (INV) haven't exist in your new Schematic.
what means this?

Thank you for your reply.


+icd2 +d8 +c1

U5 and U7 actually are no longer present in the schematic.
Unfortunately I didn't delete them in the BOM. Just ignore them.

Sorry for that!

Regards, j

схема icd2 rev19

Is there still a problem with rs232 timing or do I have to build a usb version?

icd-2 схема


I am no longer using RS232 because USB is really comfortable.
If you are looking for an ICD2 without USB, search edaboard.com for pure RS232 designs. Those circuits are often much simpler to build and need less parts.

Regards, Jenda

lothar stoltz icd


Can you use this schematic?

duck work schematics

You can use the both IC, but the bootloader isn't the same for 16F877 and 16F877A.
Look on the forum to find the correct firmware.
I used 16F877A with my iCD2 boards, and everything works fine.

schematic laptop

I used 877A. The correct firmware is the one patched by Zaphod42. It is included in the firmware zip file which you can download above.

18f25k20 schematic icd2

jenda your curcuit is increadible. could you specify what type of caps you are using

icd 2.5 schematic

I used AVX low ESR tantalum and standard ceramic capacitors.
You can use whatever fits the footprints.
The ESR of the voltage regulator output caps (C19/C27) should not be to low (>= 0.1 Ohm).

Regards, J

icd2 verify failed 0x1000

jenda said:
I used AVX low ESR tantalum and standard ceramic capacitors.
You can use whatever fits the footprints.
The ESR of the voltage regulator output caps (C19/C27) should not be to low (>= 0.1 Ohm).

Regards, J

who is your supplier, Im having some trouble matching digikey part numbers

icd-s40 clone

Try farnell.com or arrow.com

Regards, J

.brd pic schematic

jenda said:
I used 877A. The correct firmware is the one patched by Zaphod42. It is included in the firmware zip file which you can download above.

I used 877A too.

rs-232 74hc126 schematic

where i can find the shematic in protel 99 or dxp format for the icd2
whit the usb if available.

my email adresse is morinj_04@hotmail.com


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