lint tools for verilog

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verilog lint

Is there a stand alone nlint tool? I mean it can work without debussy

verilog lint

yes, of course, nLint is a standalone tool which can run without debussy, also separate license features.

nLint is developed in SH,CN. (Made in China).
One of my friends is here in charge of QA of nLint.

spyglass for lint

Can you suggest me a "free " lint tools for student use

lint checker cadence

try spyglass of atrenta it is sure to be the best linter.
after you will check this im pretty sure you will agree with me.

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agere also use spyglass for most of their projects

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SPY Glass is most popular Lint Tool

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nLint is the most powerful and popular.

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Check out verilint from Synopsys and nLint from Novas and SureLint from Verisity.


lint cadence

Novas nLint is a good tool for you. It can link with Debussy and you can use it easily.

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Any lint tools for VHDL?

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SpyGlass from Atrenta Voted as "the best Linter" today by EETimes.
Out of the top ten, nine big guns in semiconductor industry use this tool.
It has many features.
Its fastest and most accurate amongst its contemporaries.
i w'd say its the best in the category leaving all other s named earlier.
go for it

verilogçš„lint checker

i also use Novas nlint+debussy

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spyglass is best. nlint is also good.leda's advantage is full integreted in sysnopsys design flow.for blacktie ,I have no ideal.

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Novas nLint also support VHDL!

free lint check for verilog

In my opnion, the lint tools only give you some advice and help you to check what is ignored by you.

As a designer, you should take most of it into account when you implement your design not only use the tools to help you find defects.

Maybe most time the document of lint tools is more helpful and good coding style and rules are more important.

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Can't agree with you any more.

cadence lint verilog

I too vote for spyglass the best way to find flaws at an intial stage

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i also heared that spyglass is better tool,in our company, we use this tool.

linting tools, verilog

has anybody used SpyGlass??
I think its very easy and very powerful.
SpyGlass was voted as the best Linter by IEEEDesign.
Its equaly capable with both vhdl and verilog also with mix of them.
has very powerful/useful features.
nine out of ten top semiconductor giants are using it.
also it provides extra capabilities with its linting solution.
i think this is the best amongst its contemporaries

lint check verilog

I think VHDL needs no linting tools.

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