layout? any freeware to practise layout?

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tanner l-edit download

If you are a real beginner, i recommend MicroWind. Good Luck.

forum l-edit tanner download magic iced

any direct link to get l-edit ?

evalution version + microwind software

I also think that microwind is the best software for someone who want to practice in layout but there are some things you have to pay attention such us the netlist that is exported.But as i said is good for begining something

evaluation version + microwind software

ICED has become freeware. It's a very fast, reliable layout tool for handcraft layouts.
Please visit the website as described by n1cm0c.

student versin of microwind

try Ledit

cadence freeware

Hi all,
Use the evaluation version of Tanner V12. You can download an evaluation version for 30 days.

iced layout tutorial

this is good tool for drawing layout . there are also alot of example

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