Interfacing USB storage device with microcontroller

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Hi All
I am very very new about flesh memory with Mu interface. Many times the idea came in my mind bu I felt it so difficuilt that I prefered to skip it from my mind because I dont understand how to address usb device. any help?????????


Wake up! pic16F84a is way too tiny uC to handle jobs like file system and USB stack handling. And I would say mp3 player reading USB flash memories is HUGE project unless you buy 3rd party ARM/Blackfin development board suitable for this task. Better think over and buy MP3 car radio with USB port. There's alot of them around.

In addition to odgens realistic comment: You need at least a dual-role-capable USB controller (e.g. PIC24FJxxGB, AT90USB1287) to connect an USB memory device. Utilizing a hardware MP3 decoder, it sounds feasible.

Kenwood makes a good car stereo with a USB jack right on the front. Got two of 'em. good tunes

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