Information about impedance matching

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Newbie level 1
May 26, 2003
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I need impedance matching. Is there anyone to provide imformation to me? :wink:

you can dowload APPCAD from,it is easy to calculate.
It is free.
Don't forget to get *.S2P file of the object component before start.

Perhaps you can try the good old Smith chart, or some of its electronic realization. In simple cases even now this is the fastest way.

some theory infomation on impedance match,maybe helpful to you.

For matching , very nice program Smith v1.91 could be useful. If you search in forum , you'll find. either program and patch..
I use it daily and very well

You can refer to the book "broadband matching network"

You can goto polar's web and down their tools

U can use it to calculate impedance


impedance matching

Agilent bring a new smith chart design guide in ADS2003, which is excellent in impedance matching.

the old method is the smith you can find some small tools such as APPCAD3.0.smith chart design guide in ADS2003 is very excellent.but the release isn't come yet.

impedance match is a wide range topic.Now we have many good e-tools help us to accelerate work,but I think basic theory must in you mind every minutes.

impedance Matching primer

Here is Impedance Matching primer

Common Mistakes

Here is a file which explains the common Mistakes done while doing Impedance Matching....

also visit....

1) Learning About Impedance Matching at
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2) Impedance
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You can find good information about impedance matching in this address:
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I find another good article for you about impedance matching:

If you need Pi network impedance matching you can compute your network online at this site:
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smith chart is a good and old tool.

i wonder how to deal with noise matching in the sourse port?

pigkiller said:
i wonder how to deal with noise matching in the sourse port?

For Low Noise applications , it should be known that "Optimum Noise Impedance" of a transistor or similar devices. This can be obtained by drawing Noise Circles on Smith Chart and there will be only one point that gives Minimum Noise of a device. At that point , the impedance which is defined by this point is the optimum noise point and for a low noise design
it can be used.

For the circles you'll need Fmin , rn and Gamma(opt) which are given by manufacturer's S-parameter dataset.Generally are defined by experimentally.

The goal will be to match Source Impedance ( generally 50 Ohm ) to Gamma(s_opt)

More information, see Gonzales' " Microwave Transistor Amplifiers".

Every RF&MW Designer must have this Book at any level..


Ansoft Designer Smith tool

look for student version of Ansoft Designer
it's free of charg I think it will be aveliabel in one or
two month from now.

THERE IS A VERY GOOD!!!!!!! Smith tool it make your
maching so simple like playing in "LEGO" cubes
after macthing in smith chart it gives you an equivalent
cirquit schematic and layout of the maching cirquit.
so buy Ansoft Designer or wait for the SV-student version


How can i get the Gonzales' " Microwave Transistor Amplifiers". Is there paper file? THKS !

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