I need an IC like 74HC244, but with |Iout|>20mA?

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Full Member level 3
Jul 13, 2005
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74hc244 and 74abt244

I need a logic buffer for 8-bit microcontroller port, like 74HC244, but with an output current of more than 20mA, to drive high current LED. Any suggestion?

74lvc244 74hc244

Check out the ACT series ..



    Points: 2
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74hc244 led buffer

If you don't have space for dedicated drivers, you might consider
74ABT244 which can sink 64mA and source 32mA.
Will this be enough?
S. H.

ic 74hc244

Is there any document that describes AC, ACT, ABT families?

74hc244 led

if your power is 3.3V, you can sonsider using TI's 74LVC244,

the speed is faster than 74HC244.

best regards

leotim said:
I need a logic buffer for 8-bit microcontroller port, like 74HC244, but with an output current of more than 20mA, to drive high current LED. Any suggestion?

fan out 74hc244

**broken link removed**

74FR 244 60ma per i/o

if you need more than 50-60 ma you should use some fets

dont trust i/c's to switch heeps of current

I'm bumping this ancient thread because I think this is a good question and no one suggested one good option, which is to parallel multiple channels of an HC244 together. Most 244s claim a typical 6mA output drive (which I suspect is slightly conservative), so three 244 outputs tied together (with their inputs tied together as well, of course) should be able to source/sink 20mA. Just one more option to consider...

Reactions: cgchas


    Points: 2
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Could it make matter simple using power drivers like Darlington ULN 2803?

Sure, a Darlington would work too. It's just a good thing to know you can parallel identical FETs/CMOS logic and get higher current drive. A lot of times that's handy when you're only using a few of the channels in a device, but need more drive. You can use the unused channels to boost your drive.

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