How to write timing constraints

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Newbie level 2
Aug 7, 2011
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I would like to understand the procedure involved in writing timing constraints for a full chip.
And how to convert the full chip constraints to block level constraints.

Currently I am following this procedure:

1) Read the netlist
2) Do check_timing and find out all the flops which dont have a clock defined.
3) Trace the input ports that are driving these flops and define clock on them.
3) Continue using check_timing's feedback and add the constraints in a iterative manner.

Please let me know if there are other methods.


What you have described works well if you dont have access to the design spec...
if you know all the primary clocks, then define that and this should take care of all the flip flops..
if there are clock dividers etc, you would need generated clock constraints on that
Next if there are any asynchronous clocks, then you need either set_clock_groups -asynchronous or create set_false_paths between all paths in the respective clock domains..if you have a lot, then set_clock_groups make sense
For IO constraints, Define virtual clocks with same period as the real clock once you know what IO's need to be timed wrt what clock, you can define the input/output delays
Next if there are any muxes and with help of functional spec, if only one clock has to be propagated or if you have 2 clocks system clk and test clock, then you need to constraint the select pin of muxes
find out if there any components in the design which require more than 1 slower memories etc..multicycle them
next if you have implemented clock gating for power reasons, then add latency constraints to this...
Check if there any half cycle paths and understand if they make sense..else its constraints issues
define clock uncertanity/jitter margins
if there is a IO-comb-IO, you can constrain by max/min delay combinations...

optinally define transisition/slew thresholds etc...

I hope this helps...

---------- Post added at 22:56 ---------- Previous post was at 22:51 ----------

BTW, converting full chip constraints to block level is not straight forward and easy..much of it depends on how your top level clock architecture is would need to budget it such a way that each block gets enough time and also IO budgeting has to be correct...if your design is complex enough, its a nightmare..try using any budgeting tool like hydra/first encounter/tools from atoptech etc...these tools read your top level sdc, do partitioning/shaping/top level cts, figures out what the actual delays are and then generate budget for each can take this and refine it in subsequent runs..once you closed the block, you can pull the timing constraints back to top and integrate it...

good luck...
very good info...............

great info!
can you please elaborate some more about thess issues:

For IO constraints, Define virtual clocks with same period as the real clock once you know what IO's need to be timed wrt what clock, you can define the input/output delays
How does the virtual clock helps here?

next if you have implemented clock gating for power reasons, then add latency constraints to this...
The tool doesnt calculate this latency?

Check if there any half cycle paths and understand if they make sense..else its constraints issues
How can i check for half cycle?

if there is a IO-comb-IO, you can constrain by max/min delay combinations...
Should the set_input_delay/set_output_delay do this?


great info!
can you please elaborate some more about thess issues:

How does the virtual clock helps here?

The tool doesnt calculate this latency?

How can i check for half cycle?

Should the set_input_delay/set_output_delay do this?


For ur last Q here is the answer

You can not define input and output delays for a comb logic, since there is no clock. For comb u need just the max and min path, like the comb logic between ur flops.

For third Q

You can check the half cycle path by checking the negative slack which is half of ur period.

For ur second Q

The tool calculates it after CTS stage. but before that u need to give the values.

For ur first Q

Since you dont have the clock for ur output port and you do know the period of that clock. you can do this using virtual clocks.

Hope it helped.
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