Newbie level 4
Hello there,
I'm busy with 2 moter encoders. those encoders are connented to a fpga. the fpga need to count every pulse. so i created a 32 bit register to count. the 32 bit register is split in 4 times 8 bit. now i want to send those values to a microcontroller with I2C, i found an i2c slave on fpga4fun. My question is how to send the data through the sda. What is the best way i've tried some things, but my knowledge with verilog code is not so good.
i hope someone can help me
here's the code:
// Example of I2C slave
module I2CslaveWith8bitsIO(SDA, SCL, IOout);
inout SDA;
input SCL;
// The 7-bits address that we want for our I2C slave
parameter I2C_ADR = 7'h27;
// I2C start and stop conditions detection logic
// That's the "black magic" part of this design...
// We use two wires with a combinatorial loop to detect the start and stop conditions
// making sure these two wires don't get optimized away
wire SDA_shadow /* synthesis keep = 1 */;
wire start_or_stop /* synthesis keep = 1 */;
assign SDA_shadow = (~SCL | start_or_stop)? SDA : SDA_shadow;
assign start_or_stop = ~SCL? 1'b0 : (SDA ^ SDA_shadow);
reg incycle;
always @(negedge SCL or posedge start_or_stop)
incycle <= 1'b0;
else if(~SDA)
incycle <= 1'b1;
// Now we are ready to count the I2C bits coming in
reg [3:0] bitcnt; // counts the I2C bits from 7 downto 0, plus an ACK bit
wire bit_DATA = ~bitcnt[3]; // the DATA bits are the first 8 bits sent
wire bit_ACK = bitcnt[3]; // the ACK bit is the 9th bit sent
reg data_phase;
always @(negedge SCL or negedge incycle)
bitcnt <= 4'h7; // the bit 7 is received first
data_phase <= 0;
bitcnt <= 4'h7;
data_phase <= 1;
bitcnt <= bitcnt - 4'h1;
// and detect if the I2C address matches our own
wire adr_phase = ~data_phase;
reg adr_match, op_read, got_ACK;
reg SDAr;
always @(posedge SCL) SDAr<=SDA; // sample SDA on posedge since the I2C spec specifies as low as 0µs hold-time on negedge
reg [7:0] mem;
wire op_write = ~op_read;
always @(negedge SCL or negedge incycle)
got_ACK <= 0;
adr_match <= 1;
op_read <= 0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==7 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[6]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==6 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[5]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==5 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[4]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==4 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[3]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==3 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[2]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==2 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[1]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==1 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[0]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==0) op_read <= SDAr;
if(bit_ACK) got_ACK <= ~SDAr; // we monitor the ACK to be able to free the bus when the master doesn't ACK during a read operation
if(adr_match & bit_DATA & data_phase & op_write) mem[bitcnt] <= SDAr; // memory write
// and drive the SDA line when necessary.
wire mem_bit_low = ~mem[bitcnt[2:0]];
wire SDA_assert_low = adr_match & bit_DATA & data_phase & op_read & mem_bit_low & got_ACK;
wire SDA_assert_ACK = adr_match & bit_ACK & (adr_phase | op_write);
wire SDA_low = SDA_assert_low | SDA_assert_ACK;
assign SDA = SDA_low ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
I'm busy with 2 moter encoders. those encoders are connented to a fpga. the fpga need to count every pulse. so i created a 32 bit register to count. the 32 bit register is split in 4 times 8 bit. now i want to send those values to a microcontroller with I2C, i found an i2c slave on fpga4fun. My question is how to send the data through the sda. What is the best way i've tried some things, but my knowledge with verilog code is not so good.
i hope someone can help me
here's the code:
// Example of I2C slave
module I2CslaveWith8bitsIO(SDA, SCL, IOout);
inout SDA;
input SCL;
// The 7-bits address that we want for our I2C slave
parameter I2C_ADR = 7'h27;
// I2C start and stop conditions detection logic
// That's the "black magic" part of this design...
// We use two wires with a combinatorial loop to detect the start and stop conditions
// making sure these two wires don't get optimized away
wire SDA_shadow /* synthesis keep = 1 */;
wire start_or_stop /* synthesis keep = 1 */;
assign SDA_shadow = (~SCL | start_or_stop)? SDA : SDA_shadow;
assign start_or_stop = ~SCL? 1'b0 : (SDA ^ SDA_shadow);
reg incycle;
always @(negedge SCL or posedge start_or_stop)
incycle <= 1'b0;
else if(~SDA)
incycle <= 1'b1;
// Now we are ready to count the I2C bits coming in
reg [3:0] bitcnt; // counts the I2C bits from 7 downto 0, plus an ACK bit
wire bit_DATA = ~bitcnt[3]; // the DATA bits are the first 8 bits sent
wire bit_ACK = bitcnt[3]; // the ACK bit is the 9th bit sent
reg data_phase;
always @(negedge SCL or negedge incycle)
bitcnt <= 4'h7; // the bit 7 is received first
data_phase <= 0;
bitcnt <= 4'h7;
data_phase <= 1;
bitcnt <= bitcnt - 4'h1;
// and detect if the I2C address matches our own
wire adr_phase = ~data_phase;
reg adr_match, op_read, got_ACK;
reg SDAr;
always @(posedge SCL) SDAr<=SDA; // sample SDA on posedge since the I2C spec specifies as low as 0µs hold-time on negedge
reg [7:0] mem;
wire op_write = ~op_read;
always @(negedge SCL or negedge incycle)
got_ACK <= 0;
adr_match <= 1;
op_read <= 0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==7 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[6]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==6 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[5]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==5 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[4]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==4 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[3]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==3 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[2]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==2 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[1]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==1 & SDAr!=I2C_ADR[0]) adr_match<=0;
if(adr_phase & bitcnt==0) op_read <= SDAr;
if(bit_ACK) got_ACK <= ~SDAr; // we monitor the ACK to be able to free the bus when the master doesn't ACK during a read operation
if(adr_match & bit_DATA & data_phase & op_write) mem[bitcnt] <= SDAr; // memory write
// and drive the SDA line when necessary.
wire mem_bit_low = ~mem[bitcnt[2:0]];
wire SDA_assert_low = adr_match & bit_DATA & data_phase & op_read & mem_bit_low & got_ACK;
wire SDA_assert_ACK = adr_match & bit_ACK & (adr_phase | op_write);
wire SDA_low = SDA_assert_low | SDA_assert_ACK;
assign SDA = SDA_low ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;