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how to translate the allegro pcb to protel pcb?

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Mar 6, 2005
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allegro to protel

because the standard needs, i have to translate the allegro pcb to protel pcb,
who can tell me how to do it ?

power pcb to allegro file translation

There is no way to automatically translate Allegro to Protel. The databases are entirely different, and no software exists that can translate from one to the other. In fact, I know of no other EDA software that can import an Allegro board.

The best you could do would be to save the Allegro netlist, then either hand edit the netlist into Protel format or use a third party tool such as OMNINET by RSI to get it into Protel format.

You could then load the netlist into Protel and build your board from there with your own library components.

translate protel to allegro

You can import your board in PCB Translator from Camcad. It can
export orcad, pcad and pads format. Than you can import one of those formats
in protel.

Good luck

protel to allegro

i have tried to use the cam350 to translate the allegro pcb to powerpcb format,then load the powerpcb asc file into protel,but the imported pcb is very hard to edit, so i have give up the idea to import allegro to protel, the allegro just allegro .

pcb translator

borisov57 said:
You can import your board in PCB Translator from Camcad. It can
export orcad, pcad and pads format. Than you can import one of those formats
in P*otel.

Good luck

The CAMCAD translator only works for old versions of Allegro, and first you have to export the board into an ASCII format from Allegro using a special program supplied by Cadence (see **broken link removed** ). That means you have to have Allegro to begin with, plus the special tool to do the ASCII export. Even then, the ASCII result when imported into CAMCAD is pretty messed up. Polygons, split planes, and rotated components don't translate reliably - among other problems. By the time you try to export from CAMCAD to some other format, the board doesn't look much like the one you started with.

The bottom line is exactly what I said in my first posting - there is no way to automatically translate an Allegro board into any other format.

protel pcb 4.0

There's no way you tranfer Allegro.brd to protel.

The ther way is reverse engg, you have generate geber file with aparture & drill file.

Upload all those in gerber software & after assigning the layers export with extns like (gbl,gto....etc).

You can import same in protel & redraw it. Remember when you import these files these are mere lines & dots. Don't forget to clean these once you ahve real one.

Good luck

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