[SOLVED] How to shift 4 bits by 4 bits in 16-bit output data?

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Jun 7, 2011
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Hi guys, how do i go about shift 4 bit by 4 bits in a 16-bit output data?

for example i have "0000000000000000" then i can only send in 4 bits at a time (lets say i send in "1111" the first time and "1010" the second time) so my output should show something like "0000000000000000" => "0000000000001111" => "0000000011111010"

any guidance?

Re: 16-bit shifting vhdl

output_data(15 downto 4) <= output_data(11 downto 0);
output_data(3 downto 0) <= new 4 bit data;

these two statements should be clocked..

Re: 16-bit shifting vhdl

Assumind a
my_vector std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)

my_vector<= my_vector(11 downto 0) & "1111"; --shift four bits left and insert the new value in the lower four bits
my_vector<= my_vector(11 downto 0) & "1010";


Re: 16-bit shifting vhdl

Hi vipin. I took your advice and created a testbench too. i checked the waveform and it works the way i want. But xilinx ise gave me this error

Any suggestions?

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity key_decode is
port ( 
        key_out : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        enable1 : out std_logic;
        row_indata, column_in : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        clk1 : in std_logic
end key_decode;

architecture Behavioral of key_decode is
signal key_data: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal key_out_s: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
enable1 <= '0' when row_indata = "1111" else 
          if(clk1'event and clk1 ='1') then
				key_out_s(15 downto 4) <= key_out_s(11 downto 0);
            key_out_s(3 downto 0) <= key_data;
           elsif(row_indata="0111" and column_in="0111") then
                key_data<="0001";  -- binary for 1
           elsif(row_indata="0111" and column_in="1011") then
                key_data<="0010"; -- binary for 2
           elsif(row_indata="0111" and column_in="1101") then
                key_data<="0011"; -- binary for 3
           elsif(row_indata="0111" and column_in="1110") then
                key_data<="1111"; -- binary for F
           elsif(row_indata="1011" and column_in="0111") then
                key_data<="0100"; -- binary for 4
           elsif(row_indata="1011" and column_in="1011") then
                key_data<="0101"; -- binary for 5
           elsif(row_indata="1011" and column_in="1101") then
                key_data<="0110"; -- binary for 6
           elsif(row_indata="1011" and column_in="1110") then
                key_data<="1110"; -- binary for E
           elsif(row_indata="1101" and column_in="0111") then
                key_data<="0111"; -- binary for 7
           elsif(row_indata="1101" and column_in="1011") then
                key_data<="1000"; -- binary for 8
           elsif(row_indata="1101" and column_in="1101") then
                key_data<="1001"; -- binary for 9
           elsif(row_indata="1101" and column_in="1110") then
                key_data<="1101"; -- binary for D
           elsif(row_indata="1110" and column_in="0111") then
                key_data<="1010"; -- binary for A
           elsif(row_indata="1110" and column_in="1011") then
                key_data<="0000"; -- binary for 0
           elsif(row_indata="1110" and column_in="1101") then
                key_data<="1011"; -- binary for B
           elsif(row_indata="1110" and column_in="1110") then
                key_data<="1100"; -- binary for C  
        end if;
end process;

       key_out <= key_out_s;

end Behavioral;

Re: 16-bit shifting vhdl

use different if statement for clock and row_indata , column_in

dont combine within one "IF" statement

that error is because you are assigning both in positive and negative edge of clock...that is not allowed
use either positive or negative edge...
Re: 16-bit shifting vhdl

Try this...

if(clk1'event and clk1 ='1') then
key_out_s(15 downto 4) <= key_out_s(11 downto 0);
key_out_s(3 downto 0) <= key_data;
if(row_indata="0111" and column_in="0111") then
key_data<="0001"; -- binary for 1
elsif(row_indata="0111" and column_in="1011") then
key_data<="0010"; -- binary for 2
end if;
end if;
Re: 16-bit shifting vhdl

omg thanks i got it!

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