How to make entry in database from a folder

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Advanced Member level 4
May 23, 2011
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India ,kerala
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HOW TO make an entry of a audio file details to SQL database that is droped in a folder . That is whenever I drop an audio file in this folder the detail of this file need to insert to database automatically.How can I do this ?


You need an application[software] or [software] tool or such

Perhaps you could give more details.................

BY SQL database, do you really mean SQL Server?
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i suggest looking for code that will do that for MySQL then altering the code to work with SQL Server

You have to edit the folder to make entry in it.

You need to write a program that will watch the folder for changes then use that to trigger
your database update.

If you are a windoze or linux user (extrapolating from the word "folder")
If you are not very experienced you might find the easiest way to learn to do this
would be to download codetyphon and install this. This will give you a rad
environment and tons of components and software support via the lazarus/fpc forum.
I suggest you dont get talked into using "newer" databases by the lazarus people though.
Stick to mysql.

On a more general theme, the request is for how to automatically detect the presence of a new file when dropped in a folder. There is no 'automatic' way to do this but there are two ways it can be coded:

1. Keep a list of files and compare it to the ones in the folder. If one is not in the list, add it to the database then update the list to include it.
2. Keep a record of the timestamp (creation date/time) of the latest file in the list. Keep checking for a later timestamp which would tell you the file was added more recently than when last checked.

The first method might involve long lists but maybe these are available in the database already. The second method is quicker beause only one file is checked at a time and only one variable is compared but might be confused if a file is added with an incorrect timestamp.

u can get it from internet just type the models name of ur bluetooth
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