How to define High fanout net in Primetime

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Mar 7, 2003
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The set_ideal_network & set_ideal_net can't support in Primetime.
how to define High fanout net in Primetime......

high fanout net

For prelayout sta, you can use command set_disable_timing.

high fanout nets

No, PrimeTime support the set_ideal_network and set_ideal_net.
I have use PrimeTime many times and have not heard it can't support the two commands.

set_ideal_network synopsys

yes, Primetime supports set_ideal_net etc. comands .

can you use prime time scripts in dc?

Hi!! horzonbluz & zyphor,

Could you please tell me what version of Primetime you use?
Our Primetime version is 2003.03.
I really can't use these commands in PT. I will check the new version
support or not.

high-fanout net

my pt version is 2004.06, I could not use the two commands too. why?

high fanout net sdc

PrimeTime has a tool: tanscript. It can transform the scripts of DC to scripts of PT.

And, PrimeTime can't support those two commands. I try it!

Good Luck

primetime find high fanout nets

Primetime is used for STA, the design has been routed completely, Why do you still has high fanout net?

define high-design

I think set_ideal_net doesn't work in primetime. There was a STAR opened long time ago. synopsys didn't fix it yet (atleast until the version I use 2003.12-sp1)

You can use
set_load -subtract_pin_load 0.0 [get_nets "high_fanout_net_name"]

What this command does is ...
It sets capacitance value of 0 on that net and removes max transition and max capacitance limit. This behaves pretty much same as "set_ideal_net"

get_nets with high fanout in dc

Why would you want to use set_ideal_net in primetime? It makes no sense to even run primetime on non-back-annotated parasitics, pre-high-fanout-net-synthesis netlist. At least thats my

net fanout primetime script

When doing Pre-Layout STA you must use these command for high-fan-out net,
in DC theses command are work,but in PT we must use anyother way to set these as ideal.
for example using set_load command .......

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