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How to control DSP via RS232 serial?

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Junior Member level 2
Apr 14, 2011
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I have a DSP(TMS320F2812) development board with a serial,so I want to use the serial to control the DSP and DAC to generate a pulse waveform.

How should I do?

Thank you very much.

Best regards.

You could send data between a host PC (running Windows, Linux or OSx) and the DSP development board over a serial link. Software such as Matlab (and Octave) and Modern IDEs supporting languages such as C++, C#, etc usually have a API which supports serial communications. The main problem with RS232 serial is it slow (maximum may be 115200baud) compared to a DSP. Does the dev board have a Ethernet 10/100baseT connection? if so use that ?

You could send data between a host PC (running Windows, Linux or OSx) and the DSP development board over a serial link. Software such as Matlab (and Octave) and Modern IDEs supporting languages such as C++, C#, etc usually have a API which supports serial communications. The main problem with RS232 serial is it slow (maximum may be 115200baud) compared to a DSP. Does the dev board have a Ethernet 10/100baseT connection? if so use that ?

I have also done that !Hope you help your !

I am sorry,but the development board does not have a ethernet connection.

Now we use CCS(code composer studio)to control the DSP,but I can not use CCS to creat a visual window which can be used to control the DSP conveinient.

Can I use visual basic to control the DSP by RS232?

yes. if you have a modern version of VB such as Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Basic Express 2010 it has in the toolbox a SerialPort Component which allows you communicate with external devices over a serial port such as COM1:
Initially run a virtual terminal such as hyperterm or teraterm and check that the DsP can send serial text to it OK. Then write a VB program to receive and display the text. When that is working you can send your data, either as text strings or in 8 bit binary.
The last time I used a Texas TMS320C6000 series board it has a 10BaseT interface - makes communication a lot easier.

you can use MScom32.ocx activex component for serial communcation programming under VB and VC++ the same component can be used in VB as well as in VC++ programming

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