Member level 4

sine wave frequency cacluate
For a sine wave generated by PLL, can anyone tell me how to calculated its SNR?
In the frequency spectrum , I can not distingguish what's the signal and what's the noise because the signal spectrum is not a single line but with a lot of phase noise.
As a common method, in FFT analysis, we often pick some bins beside the signal and add them together as the signal energy and the sum of the remainder part as the noise energy. But for a jittered sine wave, how many bins should i pick up as the signal energy?
For a sine wave generated by PLL, can anyone tell me how to calculated its SNR?
In the frequency spectrum , I can not distingguish what's the signal and what's the noise because the signal spectrum is not a single line but with a lot of phase noise.
As a common method, in FFT analysis, we often pick some bins beside the signal and add them together as the signal energy and the sum of the remainder part as the noise energy. But for a jittered sine wave, how many bins should i pick up as the signal energy?