How to build a simple clock detector?

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Newbie level 6
Dec 25, 2009
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Milan, ITALY
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Hi Everybody,

for a university project I have the need to check for the presence of a trigger-in signal in my apparatus.

- The signal is a digital clock with a variable frequency in the range 1MHz - 50MHz.

- I can detect this signal either from the negative output of a LVPECL XOR (Low level at 1.6V, High Level at 2.4V) or from the output of an opamp (Low level at 0V, High level at 200mV)

- I just need to generate a high/low level to send to a PIC microcontroller in case the trigger in signal disappears.

Any Idea? I thought about a superdiode (opamp+diode) plus a tuned RC circuit and a comparator in the end (see picture).

SInce space on my pcb is a problem I would like to find a simpler circuit without the use of two opamps!




I'd suggest a simpler digital transition detector (like an XOR,
with clk to one and delayed clk to the other input) to drive a
"reset switch", and your RC network tuned to maybe
2-5uS time constant, and a Schmitt buffer after it.

Also, if Im right:
you need a change in logic level to send to your PIC if i.e. the LVPECL output is no more high=2.4V, also went/changed to "0=1.6V?
Wher is comparing reference voltage level pls of you PIC, or is it a TTL compatible Input?
How much Volts is it?
Usual s if a ECL IC supplyd with +3V3 or 5V than=PECL!
A comparing logic level(Vbb) is at max ca. +1.9V (Vcc-Vbb, 3V3-1V35), if you hase PECL in system; is it supplyed (as lvpecl per definition is) with +3v3 or not?
Also, what you need is no more as a comparator at +Vbb referenced, in concret case between 1355 & 2075mV, practically to middle, as the attachement tells you too.
Compare pls for +1.75V and is your circuit in extrems functioning too, but you need a good Uref!
Other possibilty is onlya SO8 IC (NB100ELT23L)
as Level Converter to apply and works up to 160MHz, see attachement...

Thanks for the reply!

Dick's idea is good but the component count is pretty much the same as mine plus to delay the clock I need a long trace on my pcb or a delayer and that means a lot of space required.

Karesz, if you read my description more carefully, I won't feed the LVPECL signal directly to the PIC, that won't work as you suggested.

My collegue suggested an alternative using a BJT: connecting the base of a PNP BJT to the LVPECL signal, its source to a Vdd voltage through a resistor and its drain to a capacitor.

In this way the BJT behave like a square-wave current generator. Dimensioning the R and the C I can create a voltage ramp on the capacitor and using the ADC or the comparator on the pic I can check if a certain threshold it crossed.

Once the Vt is crossed I can discharge the C through another pin of the PIC and a diode.

I tried to simulate the circuit with Vdd= 3V, R = 1k and clock signal between 1.6V and 2.4V. If I put a resistor on the drain everything works fine but with a capacitor I can't get a voltage ramp!

Any idea?

Have a nice day

BJT has E,B & C, but I would have a basis resistor too and so on... Really you must a switched Current generator build.

@ Karesz. How could I have said that a BJT has a drain and a source? :-s ehehe... Thanks for the correction.

I like the idea of the current generator but I can't get it to work, at least on my SPICE simulator. I am quite sure I don't need a base resistor since the current is fixed through the emitter resistor and the base voltage.

The problem is when I swap the resistor on the collector with a capacitor. Instead of getting a voltage ramp I get a more or less constant voltage. What's wrong with my configuration?

Obviously, if anyone can suggest an easiest way to implement my clock detector... ideas are welcomed!


hi Gianluca,
You can load/switch from PECL output over a serial Schottky (Cathode on ECL out) a serial resistor-capacitor between Vcc & GND_ C is to GND & i.e. 1..2K to Vcc...Common point of Cathode/R & C is output too.
Discharging must be possible with a switched parallel resistor on the C.

Well, here's one I sketched up over the course of a couple
minutes that seems to work. Very low actives count, but the
passives would be a bit chubby if integrated (more so, the
lower you want the minimum detect freq to be).

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