HFSS9.2-Import problem

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Junior Member level 3
Jan 8, 2004
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hfss technology file

hi everyody:
Do someone ever have this problem when it import dxf file form autocad into HFSS9.2. The message show below,

'' [error] Import Native Bodies: Translation of "D:/fractal/carpet.dwg" failed. ''

Please help me to solve this problem.

Best Regards


hfss gds import


Try to export GDS2 files.

HFSS can automatically convert it into a 3D model using a technology file.

See sample technology file below:

// Sample technology file
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// L# Label Color Elevation Thickness
// --------------------------------------------------------------
0 cond2 red -1000 1000
1 diel1 red 0 1100
2 cond1 red 1100 1000


hfss tech file

ablendos said:
hi everyody:

'' [error] Import Native Bodies: Translation of "D:/fractal/carpet.dwg" failed. ''

It seems to me that the usual mistake when working with AutoCad just happened to you, you are trying to import DWG not DXF (read carefully the error message). Try exporting DXF from AutoCad and importing it to HFSS.


import .dxf to hfss

Try changing the version of DXF file saved in Acad. I have to save dxf files as version 6 in Solid Works.


dxf to .sm2


I´m a new HFSS user and I´m trying to import a layout from Momentum to HFSS v9. Does anyone know how to do it?

I´ve tried to import gds files too, and I get the two-dimensions layout in HFSS, but I don´t know how to import the technology file. Can you help me, please????

Thank you in advances



hfss import file

Anyone can provide standard format of technology file?

import hfss

I got one input from one smart guy that we could import it as 2D, then sweep.

merge lines hfss


if you have a DXF format and still have probelms do send it to me , I will import in HFSS and send you the HFSS project file.

Hari Krishna

hfss import problem

i have faced similair problems during the import of DXF and GDS files. although they got imported into hfss, it was not simulating properly. so i jotted down the coordinates and constructed it in VBscript. it ran perfectly. this was my experience. i hope it was useful.

hfss gds2 import

Ya , I think it is much easier and generic to build a matlab code with functions to generate vb scripts.

CST has good user interface to write scripts over there whereas in HFSS , we have to write using textpad which is difficult to edit and debug.

hfss gds2 type import

Hi, I tried to use this format form my importation but it seems not working. Can you give me a tutorial or a guide to create this file .tech by myself?

Thank you

hfss gds import technology file


You can type "pedit" in CAD to merge the lines to one closed line, and import HFSS. Or you can transforne .dxf to .sm2 in HFSS8, but it is comflex.



hfss import

Hi everybody.
I'm a beginner in hfss.
I need to import dxf files into hfss. However when I import them, 3D drawings are shown as 2D sheets. What can I do for this problem?

ansoft hfss import dxf

edata said:
Hi everybody.
I'm a beginner in hfss.
I need to import dxf files into hfss. However when I import them, 3D drawings are shown as 2D sheets. What can I do for this problem?

i have same problem ,,, plaese help

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