Help us with designing a simple walking robot

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Newbie level 1
May 7, 2007
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Hi all!

Hi all,
I am new to Electronics subject. We are developing one project of Robotics.
Where we want robot to walk and take turns (Right and Left)..
Now Few question arised in front of us like,

1. How to program walking logic of robot? in C, Assembly, any other?
2. We dont want to connect it to the PC. Its wireless. So how can i embedd my program into Electronics circuit?
3. How Robot will take dicision where to take turn? Is sensor required to detect object comes in between?

Kindly help me out. I am clueless.

Re: Hi all!

The construction of a robot is no mean job!
The very 3 questions that you have asked can be considered separate projects altogether! such is the complexity involved. These are real time systems and require you to do some real time computing. So unless somebody sponsors you to go ahead with this project AND somebody guides you, it would be very difficult to do this as a hobby project...
If you have any particular queries about any of these stages, I can help you out... But the questions you have asked is very broad...

Re: Hi all!

The above said is right u should have done some real computing and u should. and as the started u can refer some books which are given in edaboard. some very good book about the robotics are there in edaboard books gallery. try to read once u may get some idea.

with regards

Hi all!

a) go to any toy store
b) buy any remote controlled toy
c) take it apart
d) connect the guts to your servo motors
e) enjoy
f) do reverse engineering of the toy and try to understand what they do.

Re: Hi all!

Yups I agree with teddy..

The easiest way is to modify RC toy car...

Change its control part with ur own by using microcontroller..
You can add proximity sensors like infrared or ultrasonic for autonomous behavior..
but first u need to learn how to control the car motors with ur micro-c

start with simple program like drive forward, reverse, turn left, turn right...
then u can add sensors for autonomous movements...

Good luck!

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