Help to synthesize floating point MAC in Design Compiler using DesignWare library.

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Newbie level 2
Feb 7, 2019
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I'm new to Design Compiler and DesignWare.

I want to evaluate half-precision floating pointer multiply-accumulator. So I decided to use DW_fp_mac (verilog) in DesignWare Library.

However, there are some errors while compiling.

  Beginning Pass 1 Mapping
  Processing 'DW_fp_mac_inst'

Statistics for case statements in always block at line 457 in file
|           Line           |  full/ parallel  |
|           145            |    auto/auto     |
Error: *** Generation of expr Fanout_18[8:0]=I1+I2;Fanout_198:00]=I3+127;Fanu_28[[8::0]={C0,C}?0:Fannout_1;Faoouut_29[8:0]={C,C3}?0:Fano_9nu_66[8888::0]={C45}?FFaanouutt_29:Fanoutt__28;Fanout_27[8:0]={C4}Fu_2annoutt__29;11777==FFaannoouut_28<Fanout_29;O11155[8:0]=Fanout_26+2O6[8:0]=Fnuuttt__26-Fanout_27 failed.
Fatal: Internal system error, cannot recover.

Release = 'E-2010.12-SP2'  Architecture = 'amd64'  Program = 'dc_shell'
Exec = '/scale/cal/opt/synopsys/design_compiler/amd64/syn/bin/common_shell_exec'

Below is my .tcl file. I use OSU(Oklahoma State University) FreePDK 45nm as standard cell library.
Version of Design Compiler is E-2010.12-SP2 for amd64
Version of DesignWare is E-2010.12-DWBB_201012.2.

#/* Compile Script for Synopsys                    */
#/*                                                */
#/* dc_shell-t -f compile_dc.tcl                   */
#/*                                                */
#/* OSU FreePDK 45nm                               */

#/* All verilog files, separated by spaces         */
set my_verilog_files [list ./verilog_files/DW_fp_mac_inst.v ]

#/* Top-level Module                               */
#set my_toplevel adder
set my_toplevel DW_fp_mac_inst

#/* No modifications needed below                  */
set OSU_FREEPDK [format "%s%s"  [getenv "PDK_DIR"] "/osu_soc/lib/files"]
set search_path [concat  $search_path $OSU_FREEPDK]
set alib_library_analysis_path $OSU_FREEPDK

set synthetic_library [list dw_foundation.sldb]
set link_library [set target_library [concat  [list gscl45nm.db] [list dw_foundation.sldb]]]
set target_library "gscl45nm.db"
define_design_lib WORK -path ./WORK
set verilogout_show_unconnected_pins "true"

analyze -f verilog $my_verilog_files

elaborate $my_toplevel

current_design $my_toplevel


set_driving_cell  -lib_cell INVX1  [all_inputs]


report_constraint -all_violators

set filename [format "%s%s"  $my_toplevel "_syn.v"]
write -f verilog -output ./output/200/$filename

set filename [format "%s%s"  $my_toplevel "_syn.sdc"]
write_sdc ./output/200/$filename

set filename [format "%s%s"  $my_toplevel "._syn.sdf"]
write_sdf ./output/200/$filename

set filename [format "%s%s"  $my_toplevel ".db"]
write -f db -hier -output ./output/200/$filename -xg_force_db

redirect ./output/200/timing.rep { report_timing }
redirect ./output/200/cell.rep { report_cell }
redirect ./output/200/power.rep { report_power }

Actually, I want to input clock and reset, but remove it for simplicity.

DW_fp_mac_inst.v is as below. It's same as given example.

module DW_fp_mac_inst( inst_a, inst_b, inst_c, inst_rnd, z_inst, status_inst );

parameter inst_sig_width = 23;
parameter inst_exp_width = 8;
parameter inst_ieee_compliance = 0;

input [inst_sig_width+inst_exp_width : 0] inst_a;
input [inst_sig_width+inst_exp_width : 0] inst_b;
input [inst_sig_width+inst_exp_width : 0] inst_c;
input [2 : 0] inst_rnd;
output [inst_sig_width+inst_exp_width : 0] z_inst;
output [7 : 0] status_inst;

    // Instance of DW_fp_mac
    DW_fp_mac #(inst_sig_width, inst_exp_width, inst_ieee_compliance) U1 (
      .status(status_inst) );


Is it any problem in my .tcl file? I'm not sure that it's okay to use OSU freePDK.
I got correct report when I execute with my own verilog file (fixed-point MAC).
If you know what is the error, please let me know. There is no related writing in google.

Or if there is a easier way to evaluate half-precision floating point MAC of DesignWare Library using Design Compiler, please let me know.

The other way I tried is

I got all of related verilog files and change name of modules.

dffr.v, DW_fp_dp2.v , DW_fp_ifp_conv.v, DW_fp_mac.v, DW_ifp_addsub.v, DW_ifp_fp_conv.v, DW_ifp_mult.v, ,half_prec_mac_DW.v

However, I found that given verilog files from DW is not synthesizable. For example, they use === and !== (I edited it) and use while (I can't edit it). So I give up to synthesize these files.

Your TCL has no bearing on what is happening here. This looks like a bug with the DW library.

Thanks for your reply!

You mean that I have to re-install my DW library? I'm wondering that there is any problem in the way I use OSU FreePDK 45nm.

Thanks for your reply!

You mean that I have to re-install my DW library? I'm wondering that there is any problem in the way I use OSU FreePDK 45nm.

DW is library independent. Your library choice cannot break it. I think this is a DW bug that you stumbled upon, but I can't prove it.
You might want to see if you have access to a newer version of the dc_shell tool as the one you are using is nearly 8+ years old. Can you confirm the dates of the DW library you are using and the tool version?

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