Member level 3

I try to install hspice2002.2 on RedHat 8.0, after I run ./avanti_install, I got the following errors
Error in startup script: Class "tixAppContext" red
while executing
"tixClass tixAppContext {
-superclass {}
-classname TixAppContext
-method {
cget configure addbitmapdir filedialog getbitmap getimage
(file "/mnt/cdrom/install_dir/tcltk/lib/tix41/Tix.tcl" line 18)
invoked from within
"source {/mnt/cdrom/install_dir/tcltk/lib/tix41/Tix.tcl}"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 $auto_index($name)"
(procedure "auto_load" line 26)
invoked from within
"auto_load $name [uplevel 1 {::namespace current}]"
(autoloading "tix")
invoked from within
"tix addbitmapdir $demo_dir/bitmaps"
(procedure "MkMainWindow" line 18)
invoked from within
"MkMainWindow .widget"
(file "/mnt/cdrom/install_dir/tcltk/install.tcl" line 748)
Error in startup script: Class "tixAppContext" red
while executing
"tixClass tixAppContext {
-superclass {}
-classname TixAppContext
-method {
cget configure addbitmapdir filedialog getbitmap getimage
(file "/mnt/cdrom/install_dir/tcltk/lib/tix41/Tix.tcl" line 18)
invoked from within
"source {/mnt/cdrom/install_dir/tcltk/lib/tix41/Tix.tcl}"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 $auto_index($name)"
(procedure "auto_load" line 26)
invoked from within
"auto_load $name [uplevel 1 {::namespace current}]"
(autoloading "tix")
invoked from within
"tix addbitmapdir $demo_dir/bitmaps"
(procedure "MkMainWindow" line 18)
invoked from within
"MkMainWindow .widget"
(file "/mnt/cdrom/install_dir/tcltk/install.tcl" line 748)