Help me with writing a VHDL code

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Feb 24, 2004
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help in vhdl

Hi all,

How to do this in vhdl ? Event is input signal

event___ ____________ ____________ ____________ _____
| | | | | | | |
|__ | |__| |__| |__|

V1______ _____________________________________________________
| |

V2______________________ _____________________________________
| |

V3______________________________________ _____________________
| |

V4______________________________________________________ _____
| |
Thank's in advance


Re: help in vhdl

can you just explain what are you trying to do, the diagram drawing is ver unclear ?

help in vhdl

do you want to do what ?

Re: help in vhdl

And what happens after V4?
Do you repeat from the start?


help in vhdl

I think that the algorithm is something like that:

For every rising edge of event signal we will have to increment a coutner (0,1,2,3,0,1...). The counter's output is the address input of the demultiplexer. And the input of demultiplexer is the event.

voho, Is it so?

Re: help in vhdl

thank'a all for your help,

I want to do this in first event i generate event (pulse)in V1, second event i generate event inV2, third event i generate event in V3


Re: help in vhdl

it looks like a shifted signal on each rising edge of the clock.
you can use shift register in this case.

Re: help in vhdl

Checkout the code below!
Hope this helps!

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity sequncer is
  port (
    event : in  std_logic;
    rst   : in  std_logic;
    v1    : out std_logic;
    v2    : out std_logic;
    v3    : out std_logic;
    v4    : out std_logic);

end sequncer;

architecture behave of sequncer is
signal shift_pos : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal shift_neg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

begin  -- behave
  v1 <= not shift_pos(0) or shift_neg(0);
  v2 <= not shift_pos(1) or shift_neg(1);
  v3 <= not shift_pos(2) or shift_neg(2);
  v4 <= not shift_pos(3) or shift_neg(3);
positve_edge: process (event, rst)
begin  -- process positve-edge
  if rst = '0' then                     -- asynchronous reset (active low)
    shift_pos <= (others => '0')
  elsif event'event and event = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
    shift_pos <= shift_pos(2 downto 0)&shift_pos(3);
  end if;
end process positve_edge;

neg_edge: process (event, rst)
begin  -- process neg_edge
  if rst = '0' then                     -- asynchronous reset (active low)
    shift_neg <= (others => '1')
  elsif event'event and event = '0' then  -- rising clock edge
    shift_neg(0) <= shift_neg(2 downto 0)& shift_neg(3);
  end if;
end process neg_edge;

end behave;

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