Help Help Help!! Load limiter circuit!!

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Newbie level 2
Jul 12, 2010
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hey friends.... I am working on a solar project at college level... i read somewhere that where solar lamps and fans are distributed/sold with separate batteries, the people temper with the battery and connect some higher power devices to it like- television set, CD player, Irons and heaters... so the batteries get drained early and lose its efficiency and life... so i am planning to design a device which will prevent the application of higher loads to the terminals... and it must be somewhat hidden, so that people don't know about it and the tempering can be prevented..... I want it to be like a polyfuse, which will cause the circuit to break/disconnect when the higher load is applied and automatically gets reconnected when the higher load is removed....

i am using the battery with specification- Lead acid flooded or Gel type VRLA, 12 V- 20 AH @ C/10, Max DoD 75%

lamps- cfl of 9W/11W

and an optional DC Fan of less than 20W.

PV Module(s) 2X 37 W or 1 X 74 W under STC

guys, i really need this as early as possible... i just stumbled upon this awesome site.. and found myself lucky! so please please please help me and suggest something! i'll be soooo grateful to you...


thanks a lot tariq, i'll try this foldback circuit.... but i didn't get your "google" point.. i've searched google for current limiter circuit but didn't find anything useful... if you know anything related then please send me the link..

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