Having problem combining LNA, mixer & VCO

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The DC voltage from VCO is 946mV while LNA is 1.7V. The current for LNA is 174.5uA while VCO is 0A.
what transistors im using? u mean for the fabrication purpose?? im not sure about this...
I'm really a beginner in RF...


thanks guys for helping me in my project. I have now completed my simulation and will proceed to layout drawing.

Thank you

dear dexing:

I ve been watching your conversation with mazz n other. Really it have been very helpful to me as well. I am also doing a similar project at 2.4Ghz.
Dexing could you plz guide me abt the fabrication of the LNA. I mean i ve designed on microstripline. Do I need to include any resistors or capacitors in it.

Secondly. did u design the antenna as well for your module. and does your project involve transmitter?

Third, are u gonna fabricate the mixer as well

I ll be waiting for your kind reply!

How do you solve the problem at last? Can LNA, MIXER and VCO be simulated simultaneous in ADS?
The previous discuss implies that we should simulate VCO with MIXER and LNA as its load firstly, then replace vco with a frequency signal port to provide the LO signal, and perform two-tone simulation. Am I right?

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