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H Spice Problem for a circuit

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HGH 878

Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Dec 29, 2014
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Hi to everyone
I had a question guys
I need to run a circuit in H spice.
Can anyone help me.
a schematic of circuit is attached to this thread.

ASCII short query, getty short ANSI ;-) : Just netlist and run your preferred analysis.

SPICE tools usually come with their own docu. Or try:
hspice -help

ASCII short query, getty short ANSI ;-) : Just netlist and run your preferred analysis.

SPICE tools usually come with their own docu. Or try:
hspice -help

I know that.
but I have no time for that and it must be done for 5/1/2015

I did something
can somebody tell me how about this one?
please i need that.;-)

****** HSPICE -- A-2008.03 32-BIT (Feb 26 2008) winnt ******
Copyright (C) 2008 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Unpublished-rights reserved under US copyright laws.
This program is protected by law and is subject to the
terms and conditions of the license agreement found in:
Use of this program is your acceptance to be bound by this
license agreement. HSPICE is the trademark of Synopsys, Inc.
Input File: c:\users\esmael\desktop\elec2 .sp
Init: read install configuration file: C:\synopsys\Hspice_A-2008.03\meta.cfg
Init: hspice initialization file: C:\synopsys\Hspice_A-2008.03\hspice.ini

.option post=2
r 2 1 200k
r1 9 0 1
r2 9 8 600k
m1 2 2 3 3 cmosp w=4u l=1u
m2 4 2 3 3 cmosp w=8u l=1u
m3 6 5 4 4 cmosn w=2u l=1u
m4 7 9 4 4 cmosn w=4u l=1u
m5 6 6 1 1 cmosn w=2u l=1u
m6 7 6 1 1 cmosn w=4u l=1u
m7 8 2 3 3 cmosp w=12u l=1u
m8 8 7 1 8 cmosp w=12u l=1u
.model cmosn nmos (level=1 vto=1 kp=100u gamma=.45 lambda=.05 phi=.9 mj=.45 mjsw=.2 cgbo=700p cgso=220p cgdo=400p cj=560u cjsw=3.5p ld=.09u tox=9n nsub=9e+14 u0=350 js=1.0e-8 pb=0.9)
.model cmosp pmos (level=1 vto=-1 kp=500u gamma=.4 lambda=.05 phi=.8 mj=.5 mjsw=.2 cgbo=700p cgso=220p cgdo=300p cj=940u cjsw=3.2p ld=.09u tox=9n nsub=5e+14 u0=100 js=0.5e-8 pb=0.9)
vdd 3 0 dc=5
vdd2 1 0 dc=-5
vs 5 0 dc=0 ac=0.1
.ac dec 1000 1000k 30g
.probe ac gain=par('(v(8)/v(5))')
.probe ac phase=par('(vp(8)-vp(5))')
1****** HSPICE -- A-2008.03 32-BIT (Feb 26 2008) winnt ******
******name 39.......*********
****** mos model parameters tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000
*** common model parameters model name: 0:cmosn model type:nmos ***
names values units names values units names values units
----- ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ -----

1*** geometry parameters ***
ld= 90.00n meters lmlt= 1.00 wd= 0. meters
wmlt= 1.00 xl= 0. meters xw= 0. meters
lref= 0. meters wref= 0. meters lref= 0. meters
wref= 0. meters xlref= 0. meters xwref= 0. meters
lmin= 0. meters wmin= 0. meters lmax= 0. meters
wmax= 0. meters

2*** threshold voltage parameters ***
vto= 1.00 volts nss= 0. 1/cm**2 tpg= 1.00
phi= 900.00m volts gamma= 450.00m v**0.5 bulk= gnd
ngate= 0. cm**3 nsub= 9.0e+14 1/cm**3 delvto= 0. volts

3*** gate overlap capacitance parameters ***
cgbo= 700.00p f/meter cgdo= 400.00p f/meter cgso= 220.00p f/meter
meto= 0. meters

4*** gate capacitance parameters ***
capop= 2.00 cf1= 0. volts cf2= 100.00m volts
cf3= 1.00 volts cf4= 50.00 cf5= 666.67m
cf6= 500.00 xqc= 500.00m tox= 9.00n meters
cox= 3.84m f/m**2

5*** diffusion parasitic parameters ***
acm= 0. is= 10.00f amps js= 10.00n a/m**2
jsw= 0. amp/m nds= 1.00 cbd= 0. farad
cbs= 0. farad cj= 560.00u f/m**2 cjsw= 3.50p f/m
cjgate= 3.50p f/m mj= 450.00m mjsw= 200.00m
pb= 900.00m volts php= 900.00m volts tt= 0. secs
hdif= 0. meters ldif= 0. meters rd= 0. ohms
rs= 0. ohms rsh= 0. ohms/sq fc= 0.
alpha= 0. vcr= 0. volts iirat= 0.
rdc= 0. ohms rsc= 0. ohms n= 1.00
vnds= -1.00 volts

6*** temperature effect parameters ***
tlev= 0. tlevc= 0. eg= 1.11 ev
gap1= 702.00u ev/deg gap2= 1.11k deg xti= 0.
bex= -1.50 tcv= 0. v/deg k trd= 0. /deg
trs= 0. /deg cta= 0. /deg ctp= 0. /deg

7*** noise parameters ***
kf= 0. af= 1.00 nlev= 2.00
gdsnoi= 1.00

*** level 1 model parameters ***

lambda= 50.00m /v kp= 100.00u a/v**2
*** common model parameters model name: 0:cmosp model type:pmos ***
names values units names values units names values units
----- ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ -----

1*** geometry parameters ***
ld= 90.00n meters lmlt= 1.00 wd= 0. meters
wmlt= 1.00 xl= 0. meters xw= 0. meters
lref= 0. meters wref= 0. meters lref= 0. meters
wref= 0. meters xlref= 0. meters xwref= 0. meters
lmin= 0. meters wmin= 0. meters lmax= 0. meters
wmax= 0. meters

2*** threshold voltage parameters ***
vto= -1.00 volts nss= 0. 1/cm**2 tpg= 1.00
phi= 800.00m volts gamma= 400.00m v**0.5 bulk= gnd
ngate= 0. cm**3 nsub= 5.0e+14 1/cm**3 delvto= 0. volts

3*** gate overlap capacitance parameters ***
cgbo= 700.00p f/meter cgdo= 300.00p f/meter cgso= 220.00p f/meter
meto= 0. meters

4*** gate capacitance parameters ***
capop= 2.00 cf1= 0. volts cf2= 100.00m volts
cf3= 1.00 volts cf4= 50.00 cf5= 666.67m
cf6= 500.00 xqc= 500.00m tox= 9.00n meters
cox= 3.84m f/m**2

5*** diffusion parasitic parameters ***
acm= 0. is= 10.00f amps js= 5.00n a/m**2
jsw= 0. amp/m nds= 1.00 cbd= 0. farad
cbs= 0. farad cj= 940.00u f/m**2 cjsw= 3.20p f/m
cjgate= 3.20p f/m mj= 500.00m mjsw= 200.00m
pb= 900.00m volts php= 900.00m volts tt= 0. secs
hdif= 0. meters ldif= 0. meters rd= 0. ohms
rs= 0. ohms rsh= 0. ohms/sq fc= 0.
alpha= 0. vcr= 0. volts iirat= 0.
rdc= 0. ohms rsc= 0. ohms n= 1.00
vnds= -1.00 volts

6*** temperature effect parameters ***
tlev= 0. tlevc= 0. eg= 1.11 ev
gap1= 702.00u ev/deg gap2= 1.11k deg xti= 0.
bex= -1.50 tcv= 0. v/deg k trd= 0. /deg
trs= 0. /deg cta= 0. /deg ctp= 0. /deg

7*** noise parameters ***
kf= 0. af= 1.00 nlev= 2.00
gdsnoi= 1.00

*** level 1 model parameters ***

lambda= 50.00m /v kp= 500.00u a/v**2

1****** HSPICE -- A-2008.03 32-BIT (Feb 26 2008) winnt ******
******name 39.......*********
****** operating point information tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000
***** operating point status is all simulation time is 0.
node =voltage node =voltage node =voltage

+0:1 = -5.0000 0:2 = 3.8153 0:3 = 5.0000
+0:4 = -3.3865 0:5 = 0. 0:6 = -3.4526
+0:7 = -3.4526 0:8 = -2.2482 0:9 = -3.7470u

**** voltage sources

element 0:vdd 0:vdd2 0:vs
volts 5.0000 -5.0000 0.
current -332.2727u 336.0197u 0.
power 1.6614m 1.6801m 0.

total voltage source power dissipation= 3.3415m watts

**** resistors

element 0:r 0:r1 0:r2
r value 200.0000k 1.0000 600.0000k
v drop 8.8153 -3.7470u 2.2482
current 44.0764u -3.7470u 3.7470u
power 388.5458u 14.0401p 8.4240u

**** mosfets

element 0:m1 0:m2 0:m3 0:m4 0:m5 0:m6
model 0:cmosp 0:cmosp 0:cmosn 0:cmosn 0:cmosn 0:cmosn
region Saturati Saturati Linear Linear Saturati Saturati
id -44.0764u -118.1205u -39.3735u -78.7470u 39.3735u 78.7470u
ibs 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
ibd 11.8472f 83.8650f 120.8837f 120.8841f -15.4743f -15.4743f
vgs -1.1847 -1.1847 3.3865 3.3865 1.5474 1.5474
vds -1.1847 -8.3865 -66.0723m -66.0724m 1.5474 1.5474
vbs 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
vth -1.0000 -1.0000 984.3296m 984.3295m 1.0000 1.0000
vdsat -184.7199m -184.7199m 66.0723m 66.0724m 547.4270m 547.4270m
vod -184.7199m -184.7199m 2.4022 2.4022 547.4270m 547.4270m
beta 2.5835m 6.9235m 244.7082u 489.4164u 262.7735u 525.5470u
gam eff 400.0000m 400.0000m 450.0000m 450.0000m 450.0000m 450.0000m
gm 477.2242u 1.2789m 16.1684u 32.3369u 143.8493u 287.6986u
gds 2.0806u 4.1611u 589.7932u 1.1796m 1.8273u 3.6546u
gmb 106.7106u 285.9740u 3.9808u 7.9616u 34.1169u 68.2337u
cdtot 1.2199f 2.6814f 3.9745f 7.9489f 812.9828a 1.6260f
cgtot 11.2885f 22.2446f 8.1160f 15.6581f 6.0645f 11.5549f
cstot 9.2699f 18.5398f 3.5576f 7.1151f 4.6350f 9.2699f
cbtot 798.6773a 1.0234f 583.9970a 593.9940a 616.5175a 659.0350a
cgs 9.2699f 18.5398f 3.5576f 7.1151f 4.6350f 9.2699f
cgd 1.2199f 2.6814f 3.9745f 7.9489f 812.9828a 1.6260f

element 0:m7 0:m8
model 0:cmosp 0:cmosp
region Saturati Saturati
id -170.0758u 173.8228u
ibs 0. 27.5179f
ibd 72.4821f 0.
vgs -1.1847 1.5474
vds -7.2482 2.7518
vbs 0. 2.7518
vth -1.0000 -1.0000
vdsat -184.7199m -204.3652m
vod -184.7199m 2.5474
beta 9.9689m 8.3238m
gam eff 400.0000m 400.0000m
gm 1.8414m 1.7011m
gds 6.2417u 7.6400u
gmb 411.7598u 380.3776u
cdtot 3.9649f 28.7697f
cgtot 33.0226f 32.7372f
cstot 27.8097f 2.7785f
cbtot 1.2480f 1.1890f
cgs 27.8097f 2.7785f
cgd 3.9649f 28.7697f

***** job concluded
1****** HSPICE -- A-2008.03 32-BIT (Feb 26 2008) winnt ******
******name 39.......*********
****** job statistics summary tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000

total memory used 232 kbytes

# nodes = 10 # elements= 14
# diodes= 0 # bjts = 0 # jfets = 0 # mosfets = 8
# va device = 0

analysis time # points tot. iter conv.iter

op point 0.00 1 16
ac analysis 0.33 4479 4479
readin 0.00
errchk 0.02
setup 0.00
output 0.00
total cpu time 0.38 seconds
total elapsed time 1 seconds
job started at 14:55:18 01/01/2015
job ended at 14:55:18 01/01/2015

Init: hspice initialization file: C:\synopsys\Hspice_A-2008.03\hspice.ini

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