Generic Gray Code Counter

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Counters are not COMBINATIONAL circuits

I whipped up this synchronous Gray counter without using any intermediate counter or tedious 'case' statement. The 'bin' value is combinatorial. The number of bits is easily adjusted.
module top (clk, gray);
  parameter             bits = 8;
  input                 clk;
  reg        [bits-1:0] bin = 0;
  output reg [bits-1:0] gray = 0;

  integer i;
  always @ (gray)
    for (i = 0; i < bits; i = i + 1)
      bin[i] <= ^(gray >> i);

  always @ (posedge clk)
    gray <= ((bin + 1'd1) >> 1) ^ (bin + 1'd1);  // to count down, change both + to -

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