Doing A Simple Temperature Actuator Circuit

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Newbie level 3
May 2, 2011
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Hi everyone... i think this is a newbie question that you can solve with no problem but i need help doing a actuator.
Basically i need to heat a fabric, i'm using one pic16f877a and a transistor. My pic can give a maximum of 5V and 25ma as output, but i need 500ma flowing throw the fabric to feel some heating. The resistance of fabric is around 100 ohms. I bought the transistor "BC337" but i dont know if is the certain one. The schematic that i was doing was something like this:

output (0-5V)---R=330ohms--- BC337

The output values are around 0 and 5V, and i need a lineary response on the fabric (mA), like 0v -> 0mA and 2.5V->250mA and 5v->500mA
dunno if this will works, can you help me?

Your diagram is explanatory enough. Secondly at what voltage you will operate the transistor, if as it appears you will feed 5 volts to collector and your load will be grounded in emitter circuit. If yes you will get only 44mA through the transistor on fully conducting (5-0.6/100=4.4/100=0.044) Ohms' Law I=E/R.

ty Raza, ok youre right so that 100ohms are from the fabric's resistance so i can't change it, and the 5v of the collector i can't change it either. So how can i do my schematic to have a linear response (volts on base/mA on emiter)?
Another thing that 330ohms resistance is for what? that is really necessary?
and how did you know that the drop of C-E is 0.6??

ty and sorry for my questions

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