Newbie level 2
First, let me say that I know virtually nothing about electronics, radio frequencies etc. I am here because it looks like the best place to get some questions answered about a project. Unlike typical projects I see on this board... I'm not building anything from scratch. I just have something I want, that I can't find, but know is possible. Thus, with your help I hope to make it a reality. When responding, please remember to treat me like an idiot because for all intents and puposes dealing with these issues, I am. Now...
I want to transmit an audio video signal from an A/V source (such as my DirecTv receiver) to a handheld wireless lcd monitor. Im sure something better can be designed, but the closest thing on the market that I can find is essentially a handheld baby monitor, such as this: **broken link removed**
There are several similar handheld devices available and I am not saying that this is the model I will choose, but they all seem to work similarly on a 2.4gHz frequency. The issue I have is... could someone point me to a transmitter device that would match the frequencies used by the handheld unit?
Maybe I don't know the complexities, but I assume if I have an A/V transmitter that transmits on the same frequencies and the handheld receives, I should be able to get picture and sound on the handheld device.
Also, what kind of reception and interference would I likely get? My 2.4 GHz phone seems to cover most of the house and yard, but don't know if the range here would be smaller. Is there anything I can do to improve the range and cut down on interference? The goal here is to be able to walk around the yard (perhaps while mowing) with live TV playing on the handheld device.
Once I have it running, the next mods will be to somehow add RF remote control, perhaps multiple tuners/transmitters so I could have a different channel transmitting to each of the "channels" on the receiver, etc. I actually have a ton of improvements in mind, but need to start with the basics by getting a picture first.
I will have many more questions on the topic, but lets start simple... will this work? What am I not thinking about? It seems so simple and like something everyone would want, but can't find a prepackaged solution anywhere.
Thanks in advance for your help and understanding.
I want to transmit an audio video signal from an A/V source (such as my DirecTv receiver) to a handheld wireless lcd monitor. Im sure something better can be designed, but the closest thing on the market that I can find is essentially a handheld baby monitor, such as this: **broken link removed**
There are several similar handheld devices available and I am not saying that this is the model I will choose, but they all seem to work similarly on a 2.4gHz frequency. The issue I have is... could someone point me to a transmitter device that would match the frequencies used by the handheld unit?
Maybe I don't know the complexities, but I assume if I have an A/V transmitter that transmits on the same frequencies and the handheld receives, I should be able to get picture and sound on the handheld device.
Also, what kind of reception and interference would I likely get? My 2.4 GHz phone seems to cover most of the house and yard, but don't know if the range here would be smaller. Is there anything I can do to improve the range and cut down on interference? The goal here is to be able to walk around the yard (perhaps while mowing) with live TV playing on the handheld device.
Once I have it running, the next mods will be to somehow add RF remote control, perhaps multiple tuners/transmitters so I could have a different channel transmitting to each of the "channels" on the receiver, etc. I actually have a ton of improvements in mind, but need to start with the basics by getting a picture first.
I will have many more questions on the topic, but lets start simple... will this work? What am I not thinking about? It seems so simple and like something everyone would want, but can't find a prepackaged solution anywhere.
Thanks in advance for your help and understanding.