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Documentation for ODB++, FAB

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PCB design

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Nov 11, 2010
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Muscat, Oman
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Is there any particular documentation to be maintained for ODB++, FAB and Assembly drawings in PCB designing.

If Yes, Please do let me know about the documents and procedures!

ODB++ is still a proprietary file format. you can place a request to Valor to obtain the format as long as an NDA is signed.

You have as much chance of getting the ODB++ doc as I have of winning the lottery.

Unless you are going to be making a new program that will benefit Mentor then you have no chance of getting it.
I have tried and I am in the PCB software business.

Although I think that this request is based more on what manufacturing information is required, there is none for ODB++ you either make it or not.

IPC-D_325A : Documentation Requirements for Printed Boards, Assemblies, and Support Drawings.

I'm not sure that this is the latest version, but you can check this on the IPC web site.

I have an ODB++ specification, but it is not required for PCB fabrication notes. What you need is to become familiar with the IPC documentation relating to PCB design and fabrications as these form the basis of how your board will be manufactured. The IPC-D-325 is a good start, but also the IPC-6011/12 will help provide acceptance levels for fabrication. If you are serious I would look at purchasing the C-1000 series of IPC specs, these will cover most aspects of what you are going to design and have manufactured.

I hear what your asking and see the answers aren't really giving you the answer you seek. The IPC specs won't help with this. What you need to do is submit your ODB++ packet and then make a separate "fab drawing" like you normally would and usually a pdf format is good enough. The ODB++ format is only helpful if your fabricator is using a Valor tool for their front end engineering. Hope this helps.

DonnyP, I am afraid that you are wrong on ODB++ being useful if your fabricator uses Valor. the old way of transferring data to a PCB manufacturer using Gerber, Excellon and if the manufacturer is lucky an IPC-D-356 netlist file to verify the data too. ODB++ contains all the information in one set of data, PCB manufacturers can extract what they want from this data and do their DFM checks faster and more relialbly.
Any manufacturing notes, basic dimensions, put on a document layer as part of your design, then all the relevant data is in one place.
Again IPC specification will cover every aspect of you PCB design from conception to manufacture, to assembly. I have the complete C-1000 set of documentation on my desk as a reference and would recomend this basic set of documentation to any firm that is serious about PCB design, fabrication and assembly.
Every aspect of PCB manufacture is covered by an IPC spec, so if you have disagreements with your PCB manufacturer, an IPC spec will quite often be used in arbitration, when discussing a point. If you dont specify every aspect of PCB manufacturing then the manufacturer will have to use somthing as a quide, and that will be an IPC spec.
I would go and have a look at the IPC web site and what specifications are out there, there is one that will cover anything you want with PCB's...

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