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I am looking to dissemble a .Hex file to Source code. The code is from a PIC16F877A-IPT...I would like to revert the .hex to C#. I understand I would not get the complete but is there any way somebody can finish the code or end it properly. I can test and confirm easily.
I have both the .hex and .bin file.
Please PM your EMAIL and I'll send you both formats.
I am willing to Paypal MONEY for the JOB!!
Thank You
I am looking to dissemble a .Hex file to Source code. The code is from a PIC16F877A-IPT...I would like to revert the .hex to C#. I understand I would not get the complete but is there any way somebody can finish the code or end it properly. I can test and confirm easily.
I have both the .hex and .bin file.
Please PM your EMAIL and I'll send you both formats.
I am willing to Paypal MONEY for the JOB!!
Thank You