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difference between work done by the bodyand work done on it

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Member level 3
Aug 15, 2005
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i know wat they mean..but wat do they signify ...anyway external force is doing the work ...

Re: difference between work done by the bodyand work done on

you please specify ur question what do you want..
when work done----- body is a source or else it will be called as sink

Re: difference between work done by the bodyand work done on

sorry for making my question ambigous...i am rephrasing it now..

say u have a charge in a electric field ...when the charge is left alone it will experience a force due to the field and it moves work is said to be done by the body.

but when we apply a force to move it against the E , work is said to be done on the body....

wat is the significance of this terminology ???

Re: difference between work done by the bodyand work done on

You are talking about external force and internal force here. If you put a charge in a field and let it go, it will move according to the field lines.

However if you push the charge against the field, you are applying external force to the charge.

Just imagine putting a boat on a river. If you let it go, you will see it going downstream. However if you want it to go up stream, you will have to paddle hard. The boat itself won't go upstream.

Re: difference between work done by the bodyand work done on

It's easier to think in term of energy, since work is really energy: if you do work to the body, it accumulates energy, whereas if the body does work, it loses some energy.

Think about lifting a body: its potential energy increases, so you did work to the body. But if it falls, then it loses its energy, doing work, and it dissipates that energy either by heat as it hits the ground or gives it to another body that it strikes.

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