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Difference between LUT and MUX

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Jul 20, 2013
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Hi friends,

I need to know the difference between the LUT and ROM.

Please clarify the answer related to FPGA.

Do you want the difference between lut and mux? or lut and ROM?

In terms of FPGA, a lut refers to the small programmable devices (really just ROMS) that create the logic in the design.
A ROM would be a memory device made using integrated RAMs or many LUTs.

Thanks for ur reply TrickyDicky

Tell me the similarities between LUT and MUX.

Are they both same ????

LUT - stands for Look Up Table, it's a ROM so you have an address that outputs values for each address so you can produce any function of n-inputs (addresses) at the output of the LUT.
A MUX is used to select one input out of 2^n inputs using the n-input select. You can hook the inputs up to constants that produce the same function of an n-input LUT. So a mux can be made to behave just like the LUT.

So the basic function of LUT, MUX and ROM have same rite... But it makes it different where it is used rite ??

In FPGA wat is a LUT, MUX and ROM..

Thanks for ur reply ads-ee...

No, a mux and a rom/lut are different

A Rom/lut is a memory. It has N address locations. The input is an address to output the value stored at the specified location.
a Mux is a logic device. It has N inputs, and a select input that selects which of the N outputs is connected to the output.

Thanks for ur reply trickydicky..

I had understood the differences between LUT/MUX and ROM

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