creating a new orcad layout file using a saved layout file with slight modifications

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Newbie level 5
Jul 10, 2015
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I have designed an orcad layout file. Now I want to design a new pcb design which is 95% similar to the previously designed file with a slight difference of one or two components.

Is there any method of designing the new file using the previously designed file or do I have to go about again for the whole process to first draw the schematic and then complete the layout design. The process of schematic can be completed using copy -paste but the real problem is to design the complete layout again for the design which is only slightly different to the layout file designed earlier.

you have *.max file( layout plus file) or *.brd file ( allegro PCB editor file)?
for *.max you can save it as a template file and load the new netlist in to this template

you have *.max file( layout plus file) or *.brd file ( allegro PCB editor file)?
for *.max you can save it as a template file and load the new netlist in to this template

I have found a way, Please suggest whether this is correct or not. First I will save the .max file, .mnl file and the capture design file in different new folder. The previous file will remain saved in the previous folder. Now I will make the required changes in the schematic file stored in new folder and make the changes in the .mnl file of the new folder which will be used to perform ECO in the new .max file. This way the previous file will remain saved, unaltered, and new file with slight changes can be designed.

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