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i have been digging about BJT amplification and i got some questions, cos i am more confused after reading infos than before
1 - some say to calc Rcollector = Vcolector/Ic
some others say it is Rcollector = (Vcc-Vcollector)/Ic
2 - I found a tutorial that says to calc Vb :
R2 = Vb/(10*Ib)
R1 = (Vcc-Vb)/(11*Ib)
but i found a pdf that says the opposite (with the same R1 at Vcc and R2 tied to the ground)
R2 = (Vcc-Vb)/(11*Ib)
R1 = Vb/(10*Ib)
3 - for the gain :
A=-Rc/Re but others say A=-Rc/(Re+re) where re = 0.025/Ie
4 for the capacitors
for C emmiter : 1/(fmin*(Re/10)*2*pi) at some other place i found 1/(fmin*Re*2*pi)
for Cin : 1/(2 x pi x f x Zin) where Zin = (hFE+1)*Z emitter
but how do i calc Zemmiter if i have Re and Ce in parallel at the emmiter?
for Cout : 1(fmin*2*pi*RLoad) but what if i dont have any RLoad ? some say to try values between 1µ and 10µ but i am not sure about that
if anyone could enlight me about these details
i have been digging about BJT amplification and i got some questions, cos i am more confused after reading infos than before
1 - some say to calc Rcollector = Vcolector/Ic
some others say it is Rcollector = (Vcc-Vcollector)/Ic
2 - I found a tutorial that says to calc Vb :
R2 = Vb/(10*Ib)
R1 = (Vcc-Vb)/(11*Ib)
but i found a pdf that says the opposite (with the same R1 at Vcc and R2 tied to the ground)
R2 = (Vcc-Vb)/(11*Ib)
R1 = Vb/(10*Ib)
3 - for the gain :
A=-Rc/Re but others say A=-Rc/(Re+re) where re = 0.025/Ie
4 for the capacitors
for C emmiter : 1/(fmin*(Re/10)*2*pi) at some other place i found 1/(fmin*Re*2*pi)
for Cin : 1/(2 x pi x f x Zin) where Zin = (hFE+1)*Z emitter
but how do i calc Zemmiter if i have Re and Ce in parallel at the emmiter?
for Cout : 1(fmin*2*pi*RLoad) but what if i dont have any RLoad ? some say to try values between 1µ and 10µ but i am not sure about that
if anyone could enlight me about these details