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Clock multiplier using ADPLL

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Apr 19, 2010
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Please can any one tell me how can i design an ADPLL as a clock multiplier that multiply reference frequency 64 khz to 128 khz, 512 khz and 8192 khz at the same time.

thanks a lot

Why you are asking for an ADPLL? A simple "analog" PLL chip, e.g. 74HC4046 can perform the 64 to 8192 kHz multiply. The dvided clocks will be available from the frequency divider without additional effort.

the analog PLL consume a huge area in FPGA implementation than a digital one and i use this device to clock a multirate filters respectively at 128 khz, 512 khz and 8192 khz at the same time.

"The dvided clocks will be available from the frequency divider without additional effort."

i think if i add a three parallel frequency divider in the feedback i will also use a three parallel differents VCOs.

how can i clock at the same time the multirate filters with 3 clocks derived from a fondamental clock?

thanks a lot

With "analog" PLL, I was mainly referring to a PLL with analog VCO. I see, that the term isn't clear, in the PLL book of Roland E. Best, these PLL type is named DPLL, because it involves a digital phase detector and a digital frequency divider. The built in PLLs of recent FPGA can't process a reference frequency of 64 kHz, so it won't be an option to use them. That's why I suggested an external PLL chip.

If you want to implement the PLL in digital logic exclusively, an ADPLL (a PLL with a digital oscillator used as VCO) would be the only option. The intended output frequencies can be however derived from a single frequency divider, because all factors are simply powers of two.

the goal is that i want to implement the ADPLL with the multi-rates filters on FPGA which support a maximum frequency of 500 Mhz. the probleme that with many DCOs and dividers the chip consume more area. have you an idea how can i do it or an example that help me.

thks FvM

With "analog" PLL, I was mainly referring to a PLL with analog VCO. I see, that the term isn't clear, in the PLL book of Roland E. Best, these PLL type is named DPLL, because it involves a digital phase detector and a digital frequency divider. The built in PLLs of recent FPGA can't process a reference frequency of 64 kHz, so it won't be an option to use them. That's why I suggested an external PLL chip.

If you want to implement the PLL in digital logic exclusively, an ADPLL (a PLL with a digital oscillator used as VCO) would be the only option. The intended output frequencies can be however derived from a single frequency divider, because all factors are simply powers of two.

thank you FvM. How can i use a single divider that produce a three output frequencies at the same time (not programmable) and have you a vhdl code of this divider.

thanks a lot

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