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Can Altium report on all connections between two components?

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Newbie level 2
Newbie level 2
Jun 30, 2015
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Hello everyone -

I'm not a pcb designer, but need to work on this product that was designed in Altium 2010.

I'm viewing the design file with Altium Viewer. The schematics have multiple sheets. I'm concerned about two components that are on different pages. One is an 100-pin STM32F processor and the other is an 200+ pin Actel FPGA.

I need to do some reconfiguring/remapping of the IO on the STM32F and need to evaluate its current configuration and the nets that were routed to the FPGA specifically to see what can be changed.

I would love it if there was a way to run a report on all nets that connect between these two components so I can evaluate everything without going back and forth one pin at a time.

I've asked the board designer and he has not found a way to do this. Doing it manually won't be horrible, but sure seems like this is something that the software might be capable of doing. A script perhaps?

Thanks in advance if anyone knows of a solution.

Everything in Altium can be scripted, but if this is going to be your first script then it will most likely take you more time to write the script than to analyze it manually. Fortunately, Altium already has a integrated tool for it!

With xSignals you can automatically have Altium generate a report on connectivity between 2 parts. Altium will recognize all routes between 2 parts (including the common power supply connections), even if they pass through passives like termination resistors or filters. These xSignals can also be grouped into classes to apply specific PCB design rules to them.

Thank you very much for your reply ArticCynda,

I don't think xFeature exists in Altium 2010 (looks like it just arrived in version 2015) and I likely cannot do anything like this in the Altium Viewer application. So it seems like a script is the answer.

I finished my project manually, but I'm sure this will come up again. So if anyone knows of a script that can do this, I'd love to know.

Thanks everyone!

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