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Could someone help me with a problem I am looking into regarding a lossy transmission line (again)
I want to manually calculate what the attenuation and output voltage I should expect for an lossy unmatch cable. I have
been using Multisim simulate it, (I have attached a screen dump), but I am not getting the same results as Multisim.
I know the formula for attenuation /loss along a cable due to cable resistance.
Rc = cable resistance
Zo = the characteristic impedance.
Vin = cable input Voltage
I think the problem is that I haven't worked out the cable input voltage correctly?
I calculated the input impedance = Zo.[Za + jZo.tan(BL) / (Zo + jZa.tan(BL)) ]
Za = load Resistance
B = Propagation phase constant
L = is the distance
Could someone help me with a problem I am looking into regarding a lossy transmission line (again)
I want to manually calculate what the attenuation and output voltage I should expect for an lossy unmatch cable. I have

I know the formula for attenuation /loss along a cable due to cable resistance.
Rc = cable resistance
Zo = the characteristic impedance.
Vin = cable input Voltage
I think the problem is that I haven't worked out the cable input voltage correctly?
I calculated the input impedance = Zo.[Za + jZo.tan(BL) / (Zo + jZa.tan(BL)) ]
Za = load Resistance
B = Propagation phase constant
L = is the distance