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bandgap vref curve is downward concavity or upward concavity?

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May 26, 2006
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help: bandgap vref curve is downward concavity or upward concavity? Someone tell me if curve is upward concavity, it is error, why?

My bandgap result go up from 0 to 20 C and then after its go downward.Its identical to one paper i saw online.As temperature increase thresold voltage increase and that's why reference voltage goes down.I have no idea why its go up in starting.

I guess it could be either way. It depends on how the compensation is being done. Assuming first order compensation vref=k1*vbe + k2*delta_vbe. So depending on how the constants are set, i guess vref could be upward or downward concave.

Upward is not the norm, but it's not necessarily an "error".
The right set of component curvatures could give you a
"non-classical" profile. However the real question always
is, are your models really accurate enough for voltage
reference design?

Modeling dudes will pretend they did a good job until
you show them data. Of course if you can't show the
data then you've got nothing.

Upward is not the norm, but it's not necessarily an "error".
The right set of component curvatures could give you a
"non-classical" profile. However the real question always
is, are your models really accurate enough for voltage
reference design?
Modeling dudes will pretend they did a good job until
you show them data. Of course if you can't show the
data then you've got nothing.

Hi, dick_freebird:
the model I used is relatively accurate. More strangely, in some case, i can get upward and downward curve by adjust some paramenters.
you say upward is not the norm, can you explain more? Thanks!

---------- Post added at 09:45 ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 ----------

I use same structure, the temperature of Vbe and delta(Vbe) seem both right.

I do not know how to upload picture. the circuit of bandgap is common used, about 1.2V vref out, and no use opa.
I find the Vbe change little with temperature, it seem not right. I wonder it is the reason of model.

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